19. Picture This

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Darlyn was waiting with her luggage and searched around for Logan. 'But he's famous, how will he get past his fans?' She questioned. Then she felt a tap on her shoulder and it was him. She instantly hugged him, and he hugged her back. "How are fans not attacking you?"

"Well they have no idea who I am," Logan replies in a weird accent, wearing a red hat, some baggy jeans, and a red t-shirt.

"Uh, okay then. Let's go."

"Off we go." Once they got into his car.

"What is wrong with you?? Why are you not being yourself?" Darlyn asks, with an angry tone in her voice.

"I couldn't let the people know that it was me. Because then we would be delaying and staying there for a long time."

 "But this is isn't the real you?"

"Okay, next time I will be myself and let all the fans attack me while I go somewhere with you."

"I'm sorry Logan. I'm just, I'm heartbroken. Alfonso and I were together for like almost 3 years. I got so used to him," she then started to cry even more.

"Look, don't cry Darlyn. Let me put on some music," Logan said. Then, a catchy song was playing on kiis fm. Logan chose to sing along to it

...Treasure, that is what you are

Honey, you're my golden star

You know you can make my wish come true

If you let me treasure you, if you let me treasure you (Whoa-oh-oh-h-h-h)

Pretty girl, pretty girl, pretty girl, you should be smiling

A girl like you should never look so blue

You're everything I see in my dreams

I wouldn't say that to you if it wasn't true

(Oh whoa-oh-oh) I know that you don't know it, but you're fine, so fine (fine, so fine)

(Oh whoa-oh-oh) Oh girl, I'm gonna show you when you're mine, oh mine (mine, oh mine)

[Then Darlyn joined in at the next chorus; she also loved that song]

Treasure, that is what you are

Honey, you're my golden star

You know you can make my wish come true

If you let me treasure you, if you let me treasure you (Whoa-oh-oh-h-h-h)

You are my treasure, you are my treasure

You are my treasure, yeah, you, you, you, you are

You are my treasure, you are my treasure

You are my treasure, yeah, you, you, you, you are

Treasure, that is what you are

Honey you're my golden star

You know you could make my wish come true

If you let me treasure you, if you let me treasure you (whoa-oh-oh-h-h-h)

"See, I knew turning it on would lift you up," Logan said.

She laughs. "It wasn't the song, Logan. You're the one who lifts me up. You're funny way of being, your sweetness, your caring ways, and just you being positive, regardless of what's going on," Darlyn replies.

'Yes,' Logan thought, 'that means I'm doing something right.' Then he smiled at her, showing off his adorable dimples. "No problem Darlyn. Like I've said before, you deserve better."

"What, you never, ever said that!"

"Well, now I did. I probably thought of it another time."

"Yeah you probably did."


"So where are you taking me again?"

"Somewhere special." And then they arrived at the beach. The sun was setting when they got there. Logan had a blanket in his car, along with a little picnic.

"So, how long have you been planning this?"

"Not long. Plus, I had already packed it cuz I was planning to pick you up anyways."

"Really? So you just assumed that you would be the one to come to the rescue?"

"Darlyn, just sit down and have a great time here, eating with your friend, Logan." He wanted to die after saying the word friend to her. He felt like he was placing himself into the friend-zone.

She calmed down a bit afterwards. Then she took a seat next to him. He took out some bread, ham, cheese, lettuce, tomato. "So, we're making sandwiches?"

"I'll make it for you and tell me how you want it."

"Okay, I'm good with everything. And do you have ketchup, by any chance?"

"Yes, but in little packets." Darlyn started laughing out loud. "I also have some Tapatio in packets, if you want to spice things up a bit."

'Whoa, what he just said sounded super sexy. Wait, what am I saying? I can't say that.' Then she tried to think of something else. "Oh look, a seagull," she says while pointing at it.

"Yeah, it probably feels free. Which is how you should feel."

"I already told you. I got so used to having him around that it's going to be really hard for me. I really am going to need my best friend with me. And it's Sophie that I'm talking about, just to clarify."

"Okay, Hey so are you going to want some Tapatio on your sandwich?"

"Sure, spice things up for me."

'She just sounded super sexy saying that to me. Oh crap, gotta focus and not let her notice that I'm staring at her eyes,' Logan thought to himself. "Alright. It's done."

"Thanks again," she then took a bite of it and loved it.

"Do you want a soda, a water?" Logan asks politely.

"Water, please. Cuz I actually don't drink soda."

"WHAT! How can you not drink soda. It's like the best drink ever."

"Those bubbles, or gas, whatever it's called, hurt my tongue. I cannot stand it. And for me water is my 'energy' drink. Especially when I am dehydrated."

"That's cool." And on and on they kept talking. Since it was near the summer time, the beach never felt really cold. They talked for hours and hours. Next thing you know, Logan checks the time and it's like 2am already. "Whoa, look at the time. I better take you to your hotel."

"I actually don't have one yet. I still need to look into it."

"Well, why don't you stay over on our tour bus. We don't leave for a few days."

"Sure, tonight only and then I'll talk to my manager about finding a place."

"Alright sounds great," Logan smiled as he said those words. In the night-time, his eyes looked as sparkly as the night stars. He then picked everything up and took Darlyn to his place. Technically the guys' place. He let her fall asleep in his room, while he slept on the couch. Darlyn had forgotten for a while what had caused her to feel so bad.


So, Logan & Darlyn kinda had their first date. I say kinda cuz he was being a nice friend and Darlyn didn't really see it as a date. Anyways, will Darlyn see something in Logan that she never did before? Would she give him a chance after getting to know him more? More importantly, will Logan ever tell her the truth and will Darlyn move on from her past lover? All of these shall be answered soon...

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