25. Managers Meet

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The next morning, Darlyn and Sophie headed on over to the set of ItGirl. They saw how there was a high school set, a nice home, the streets, and many different places for the senery. They both felt like it would be a great day.

The girls then met up with Britney and Ariel. "Hey Darlyn," they both said.

"Hey girls, I'd like you to meet my best friend Sophie. Sophie, this is Britney and Ariel. They are my costars on the series."

"Hey, this is so amazing. I feel thankful to be here with future stars," Sophie had her hands on her cheeks in amazement.

"Whoa, whoa slow down there. We are just normal girls," Britney said.

"Yeah, and maybe in the future we could ask our manager if you could join us for a special," Ariel added.

"That would be a dream of mine," Sophie said while locking her hands in front of her chin and smiling really big. The girls then started to film the debut episode. Sophie got to experience the process behind filming a series professionally. "Darlyn, doesn't this remind you of that one summer where we got to film our own short film."

"That's another reason why I'm getting emotional while filming. It brings me back to those young days."

"Don't cry or else you'll make me cry."

"Okay, I'll try not to." They spent most of the day there and kept on making more memories.


Logan felt like he could still do one more thing before Darlyn gave her answer. So he talked to his manager to meet with Darlyn's manager about helping her launch her music career. After all, she had to be a great singer for a reason. Logan said that he would even sit down and help her write music and that even the guys would help out.

After a few days, everything was set. Logan talked to Darlyn's manager and said that he would like to give her the good news. But he also asked for a written note from her manager with a signature, just in case she didn't believe him.

"Ready to tell her the news?" James asked while leaving the studio.

"For sure. I'm gonna go meet up with her," Logan said as he took his phone out.

"Good luck buddy," Carlos said.


"Let us know how it goes," Kendall says.

"When don't I?"

"You're right," they all said.

"Alright, by guys."


L: Hey, can we meet up?

D: Sure, we just finished filming the first episode btw

L: That's awesome

D: I know

L: Alright, I'll meet you in a few hours

D: Okay then, see ya :)

L: See ya in a few my lady ;)

End of Texting

"Why the huge smile Darlyn?" Ariel asked

"Duh, cuz Logan is texting her," Sophie said.

"You know, you should totally get with him. He seems like a really nice guy," Britney adds.

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