7. A Big Time Afternoon

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The next day, Darlyn and Sophie were ready to go. They were both wearing comfortable clothes, such as jeans, sneakers, and a nice blouse, that way nothing could go wrong. "Do you think we'll have a good time?"

"Of course," Sophie answers. "There's no way that spending time with BTR will be boring. I mean, with all the episodes that you have showed me, they seem like they can be real funny in real life."

"You're right." Darlyn looks outside and sees the limo. "Hey, our ride is here."

"Alright then, let's go."

"Bye mom, bye dad. The limo is here."

"Bye sweetie," they both say at the same time.

"There you go ladies," the driver said as he held the door open for them.

"Thank you so much," Darlyn said, as she gave him a $10 tip. Once they went inside they saw the leather seats, the stereo, the cup-holders with some drinks, and there was even some mirrors. "Wow, I still can't believe this is really happening."

"Hey, while we're here, why don't we play a song and sing along to it."

"Sure, you know which one I want. Play it!"

"Okay then." Sophie gets the iPod connection and plays the song Like Nobody's Around.

"...Turn up the radio, so what if we loose control.

Get a little bit rock n roll oh-oh-woah-oh.

So throw you hands in the air, come on and make this count.

It's only you and me, never mind this crowd

Do the way you do it. Do it like nobody's around.

So put your hands in the air, come on and waste no time.

It doesn't really matter if it's wrong or right.

Do the way you do it. Do it like nobody's around.

We can do it like nobody's around..."

 Meanwhile their driver was receiving a phone call from Logan. "Hello?"

"Hi David. How are the girls?" Logan asked so kindly.

"They're doing really well. It seems as though they are having the time of their lives."

"Wow, I see what you did there," Logan was laughing.

"Also, the girl that you were talking about..."

"You mean Darlyn?"

"Yes, she's got an amazing voice. She just plugged in her iPod and is singing along with her friend."

"Man, I really hope to hear her someday."

"You will, Mr. Henderson. Just give it some time and she'll share her marvelous talent with you."

"Hope so. Anyways, thanks for picking them up for me." 

"No problem Mr..."

"Please, call me Logan."

"Alright, Mr. Logan I will bring them to you as soon as possible."

"Thanks David."

In as little as 30 minutes they arrived at the Palmwoods, where Big Time Rush films their series. As soon as David opened their door, the girls were amazed. "It looks so much better in real life," Darlyn gasped. As the girls made their way inside they saw the boys talking to Stephen Clickman, the guy who played their boss Gustavo on the show. Then, all of sudden, Logan turns around and sees them. He calmly walks towards Darlyn to give her a welcoming hug. "Hey Darlyn. Glad you girls could make it."

"Yeah, Logan couldn't stop talking about you," Kendall added playfully.

"Shut-up," Logan whispered towards him.

"Anyways, welcome to the Palmwoods," Carlos said.

"We hope you guys really enjoy your day here. If you need anything then just let one of us or one of the crew people know," James said.

"Thanks guys," Darlyn answered.

"So? What are we going to do first?" Sophie asks playfully, just to not be left out of the conversation.

"Well here, let us show you." Kendall added while wrapping his arm around Sophie. Then Logan followed by talking to Darlyn as much as he could, to enjoy every moment of it and to get to know her better.


Later on in the day, the guys took them to a nice hill where they all watched the sunset together. Logan couldn't stop looking at Darlyn's sparkly eyes, which were looking at the beautiful sunset. "Did you have a good time?"

"Actually, I did. Thank you again for giving me all of the tips and for showing me around."

"Yeah, no problem," Logan said while smiling with his adorable dimples. "So, when is your audition again?"

"It's on May 5, in LA." Darlyn then looks down at the grass.

"What's wrong?"

"It's just that, I really want this, but I have this feeling inside of me that tells me that it won't happen."

"Look, those are just nerves. I know, I had them too when I first auditioned for Big Time Rush. And the worst part is, I was super shy and did not know how to dance, act, or even sing... But you, you've got real talent that the judges should be able to see."

"You really think so?"

"Yes, I've even heard from a little birdy that you can really sing and that you have a marvelous voice."

"Who told you that?"

"Nah-ah-ah. I'm not telling..."

"Wow, you're mean Logan," Darlyn playfully says.

"No I'm not, I don't want to be that bad boy that many of my fans believe I am."

"Well, after meeting you, you don't seem like the bad boy kind."


"Yeah, I'm still nervous about that day. What if the judges don't like me? What if I trip in the middle of the dance? What if this isn't my time?"

"Then there will be other times, other auditions, other judges, and so on."

"That's true..." she says while looking down.

"Look, I promise to be there during your audition. I'll support you every step of the way, until you make your dream come true. Even during your dream, I'll still be there."

Darlyn's heart was speeding as Logan said every previous word from his mouth. 'Is this true? Could Logan be wanting to be a part of my life?' Then she hugged him. "Thank you Logan. There are times like these when I really need someone as inspiring as you." Logan wouldn't let go of her for a while; then he realized that she would notice that, so he quickly let go of her afterwards.

"You're welcome." They continued watching the sunset together and all of them really enjoyed how the sun fell behind the clouds, the mountains, and how the light changed as time went on.

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