22. Showtime

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Logan arrived barely before showtime. "Dude? Where the heck were you?" Kendall says.

"It's 10 minutes to showtime." James said while pointing at the clock.

"Look, I invited Darlyn and her two costars over. So I was waiting for them to come by the entrance..." Logan says, trying to catch his breath.

"That's great. Maybe Darlyn can finally meet Alexa!" Carlos says while smiling really big.

"And Halston as well," James adds, he had a twinkle in his eyes and the greatest smile ever.

"Are you guys...?" Logan started to ask.

"Yes! We are back together. Couldn't have done it without you bro."

That's awesome man," Logan says while giving him a hug.

"Alright now, let's get out there and put on a great show for our RUSHERS!" Kendall said while raising his voice. He really, really cares about his fans so he never wants to disappoint them.

"Calm down Kendall, we'll be there," Carlos said, when he suddenly heard the fans screaming 'BIG TIME RUSH'. "Let's go. We've only got 5 minutes to go."

"Oh shoot," the rest of them said. Logan went running to his dressing room. Luckily his clothes were already layed out for him, since his dresser knew that he was usually late. Then he met up with the guys by the stage stairs, waiting for the countdown to start.


Meanwhile in the crowd, Darlyn was there with Britney and Ariel. They met up with Alexa and Halston in the front row. "So you're Darlyn?" Alexa asks while they shaked hands. Darlyn nods her head while smiling. "I've heard a lot about you. Congrats on getting your new role."

"Thanks, oh and these two girls are also on the show. This is Britney and that is Ariel."

"Ariel? That's a beautiful name," Halston says.

"Thanks," she says.

"Well, hope you guys enjoy tonight as much as us," Alexa says.

"Yeah, it's almost like every concert that we come to has been a new adventure for us," Halston says.

"That's great. This is actually my first concert," Darlyn says.

"Mine too," Ariel and Britney say at the same time.

"Well girls, you're in for a surprise," Alexa says.

"Look, the countdown started," Halston said.

"Time to fan-girl!" Alexa says with her hands in the air. As the girls shouted for the countdown, Darlyn tried to realize that she was at the concert of Big Time Rush. She felt like a little girl all over again, fangirling and yelling for them.

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1... BIG TIME RUSH!!!!" the whole crowd went. Darlyn yelled and screamed for the guys, especially Logan.

The guys immediately came out and started jamming their theme song from the show. Then they went off singing Boyfriend, which Logan kept his eyes on Darlyn so much that even she and the girls noticed. "Whooo, someone's got a crush on you," Ariel said while bumping at Darlyn.

"Sure, sure," Darlyn reacted sarcastically.

"Hey, hey. How are you guys doing?" James asks, with tons of energy.

"Yeah, we're here to have a great time with our RUSHERS!" Carlos said through the mic. Alexa yelled as her boyfriend said that.

"This next song is one of our favorites. It's called Time of Our Life," Kendall says as Rushers yelled with all their might.

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