66. Alfonso at the Hospital

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Courtney has been at the hospital all night long, since they have not let her seen Alfonso yet. She also could not sleep. Even though it was 4am, she stayed awake because of the shock of Alfonso's bad state of being.

She sat in the waiting room, with her knees up to her chest. Rocking forward and back, with her eyes wide open. "Please God, tell me that he's okay." She feels the urge to cry a few tears, but then the doctor comes.

She places her feet on the floor, hands on her thighs, and looks at the doctor. "Are you family of Alfonso?"

"No, I'm his girlfriend. Is he going to be alright?" She was standing up in front of the doctor, as he held a clip board. He looked through some papers, rechecking them before he spoke to her.

"He's in a really bad condition. Almost all of his bones are broken. And he's currently in a coma."

"No!" She covered her mouth in shock. "How long?"

"It's unknown for how long. But we'll have to do several surgeries on him."

"Oh, okay then."

"I'll need to speak to one of his parents, to fill out the paper work and sign." He stared at her, waiting for a response.

After a moment of silence, she replied, "Okay Doctor, I'll call her. Let her know... the bad news," she stuttered in between the words.

The Doctor then excused himself and left Courtney to do her part. She got her cell and found the mother's number there. She had it because of the few times that Alfonso had his phone taken away. It was the only way they could communicate then.

She dialed the number. Her heart rate was speeding faster with each time the phone rang. "Hello?" His mother sounded really sick and sleepy.

"Hi, Mrs. I'm Courtney, a friend of your son Alfonso."

"Okay, what's going on? And why do you sound like you're crying?"

She shivered in the waiting room, fighting the urge to break down, "Your son is in a coma."

Courtney didn't hear a word back from the mother. She only heard some heavy breathing. "Look, I'm worried too, but don't worry. Everything will be alright." The mother sounded like she wanted to cry. "The doctor said he needs your permission to perform some surgeries on him."

"Okay, where are you?" The mother said in an alarmed voice.

"In New York City. I'll send you the address, just give me an email or I can text it to you."

"Okay, I'll be there later today." The mother then hung up and Courtney was still there. She then asked if she could see him. The nurse said yes and told her to go to room 3G.

She arrived at the room and slowly went inside. He had stitches, casts on his arms and legs, and a big white cast surrounding his head like a helmet.

She walked towards him. And it was as if with each step she remembered another moment with him. When she reached him, she lightly put her hand on his and sat down.

She remembered when she first layed eyes on him.


She was talking with her best friends, eating her low calorie salad. She was laughing about a joke that her friend Misty said. When she opened her eyes from the laughter, she turned her head and immediately saw him.

He was leaning back against the wall, giving her a smoldering and magical look. He stared back at her, as did she. He then walked to her, asked her out, and she said yes.

She excused herself from her friends and they left together to make out in a private place. It was sparks flying at first touch.

End of Flashback

Still holding onto his casted arm, she says, "I'll never leave you Alfonso, even if I have to be here everyday and every night."

Still in the room, she got comfortable and fell asleep. She was on the chair, next to him, covered in a blanket.

The doctor was about to go inside and do some more studies on Alfonso, but he saw through the window of the door. He remembered what it's like to have someone you love in a coma, especially a close loved one. He decided to leave them alone and continue the studies later on...


Hello!! Just decided to update on Alfonso and Courtney. I know most of us don't care about them, but for those who do... I just wanted to give a closure about them, Vote, read, share, and enjoy RUSHERS.

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