21. The Meeting

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Meanwhile, Logan was taking Darlyn to her meeting and got inside of the car, after opening her door like a real gentlemen. "What was that Logan? Why did you want to leave so fast?"

"Well, it's just that the guys were about to embarrass me, I could just feel it inside of me."

"Oh, well whatever it was I'm sure that it wouldn't have mattered."

"Oh trust me, when these guys get ideas they don't stop."

"Alright then."

"So, do you want to go somewhere after your big meeting?"

"Actually I was wondering if you could stay with me... Could you Logan? Please?"

"Alright, if you insist my lady," Logan says while smiling and driving to the parking space.

"Thank you so much," she says while hugging him and kissing him on the cheek.

He then thinks 'Okay, this is getting a little weird like Kendall said. She's being really friendly with me. I'm confused whether she loves me or just my presence.' "No problem Darlyn."

They arrive there in no time and the meeting was in the 14th floor. As they walked to the elevator, Darlyn grabbed onto Logan's arm and leaned towards his shoulder. "How are you feeling?" he asks.

"I'm kinda nervous."

"Don't be. I promise you that this will be a really fun experience. You'll meet your cast, the producers, writers, and everyone else. It'll help clear your mind."

"You're right." The elevator door opened and then they headed off into the room. After meeting her manager and the rest of the crew they started to talk about the series and how they wanted it to go.

 During the meeting, Logan kept having flashbacks to when he and the guys barely started out. He couldn't stop smiling. "Whatchu smiling about boy?" Britney asked.

"Whoa, I didn't know you spoke like that!" Logan replied.

"Really? What was on your mind?" Darlyn asked.

"Nothing, it's just that the entire process of starting your girls' dreams is reminding me of when the guys and I barely started. Flashbacks, you know..." Logan replies, acting all cool.

"Okay then... So let's get back to the meeting..." Ariel said. The meeting lasted for around 3 more hours. Darlyn had forgotten all about her heartbreak because she was having such a great time with the girls. "Hey, Britney and I were thinking of getting some lunch. You should join us."

Britney adds, "Yes, and we'll even invite."

"Awww, you girls are really sweet," Darlyn says.

"No, you're the sweet one. If it wasn't for you we would not have our dreams come true," Britney says.

 "No problem, I know what it feels like to want something and not have it," Darlyn said. Those magical words got to Logan. That was exactly how he felt about his friendship with Darlyn.

"So, will you join us?" Ariel asks.

"Sure, but could Logan tag along with us? He's my ride after all." Then both Britney and Ariel started laughing out loud.

"Are you sure he's just your ride?" Britney asks while winking her eye at Darlyn.

"What do you mean?"

"She means isn't he, like, your boyfriend?" Ariel says. Luckily for Darlyn, Logan was currently in the restroom so there was no way she couldn't answer that.

"Nope, him and I are just friends."

"Really? Cuz it seems to me that you want to be more than that..." Britney says while smiling.

"I don't know yet, I'm still trying to get over my ex bf. He just recently broke up with me through text."

"What??! Through text? That dude is gonna have to pay!" Britney adds. Darlyn noticed that she was the tough, angry type of girl with an attitude. Now she knew to never get on her bad side.

"Look, I don't even care about him anymore. Even though I wasted my past 3 years with that douchbag I am still thankful for where I am today. I met Logan and the rest of the guys, plus I met you girls..." Darlyn felt like crying, it was a mixture of emotions. Ariel then went in to hug Darlyn, then Britney joined in.

Logan had heard Darlyn's conversation with the girls about her friendship with him. He was around the corner of the hallway. 'I gotta change that fast before she friendzone's me for life.' A few seconds later, he joined in, "Group hug!" All of the girls started laughing.

"Hey, so let's all go get lunch. I'm starving after that super long meeting," Britney said.

"Yeah, let's go," Darlyn and Ariel said.

"I'll drive..." Logan says. The rest of the afternoon all four of them got to know each other even more. They went to eat at the Cheesecake factory and so on. Then Logan saw his watch and noticed that he had to go. "Oh crap, look at the time! I have to get to my concert, it starts in 1 hour!"

"Okay then, let's go..." Darlyn says.

"Nah, stay with us. We'll take you back later," Britney says.

"Yeah, plus he's going to be busy and what are you going to be doing?" Ariel says.

"Yeah it's better if you stay Darlyn. Maybe you girls could come later to the concert? We come on at 8:10pm." Logan says.

"Sure," both girls answered. "And since Darlyn knows you we could just tell the security, right?"

"Here, come by 7:50pm and I'll let them know that you girls are with me."

"Whoa, trying to sound like a player?" Britney adds.

"I know what you meant Logan, don't worry we'll be there," Darlyn adds.

"Okay, bye girls. See you later..." The girls stayed there for a couple more hours. They each shared their experience with music, preparing for the audition, and their feelings throughout the entire process. Later on, Darlyn talked about Alfonso and how their relationship went throughout the years.


Sorry for taking so long. College homework and projects have taken over my life and time x(And don't worry, the reason why it's taking forever on the romance is because I feel like it's going to be really long. Anyways, thanks for reading :)

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