51. I've Got An Idea

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2 weeks later

Darlyn was stressing out about her last meeting with Alfonso, specifically because of the kiss. She was normally an honest girl. But with Logan and the guys being busy, preparing to record their next album, she did not want to interfere by making things worse. She had been staying at her place and Sophie would visit her often.

Both girls were currently in the living room, looking at magazines. They were eating pretzel crisps with dip and had orange juice set on the small table. After a while, Darlyn broke the silence, "Sophie?"

"What's up?" She could not stop staring at the magazine picture, which had her celebrity crush, Paul Wesley, in it.

"I did something completely wrong," Darlyn sat with her arms resting on her knees.

"Look, I'm sure it wasn't that bad." Darlyn was quiet, which indicated the obvious to Sophie. "Wait, it was that bad?"

Darlyn's eyes filled with a couple of tears. "Alfonso and I kissed."

Sophie's face was filled disgust. "Why?" She put the magazine down and immediately turned towards her. "Tell me how it happened."

Darlyn was still crying a bit, but after breathing in deeply, she explained it to her. She explained everything from the random text, to her trying to keep it together during his confession, to the moment that they kissed and how she did not stop it right away.

"That was really bad," Sophie adds. "I can see why you have been feeling down these past few days."

Darlyn sat in despair, burying her face into her knees. "And I've been keeping this from Logan for so long that I don't know if I can keep it up." Sophie then went ahead and hugged her. Since Sophie was a sensitive girl, she started crying along with her best friend. "You don't have to do this Sophie."

"But I want to. I know that it's a hard time for you and you need to know that I am always here for you."

Darlyn smiled back at her, hugging her back. After a few minutes of nonstop grieving. Darlyn broke it off and asked, "So... how has your love life been?" Even with her watery eyes, Darlyn winked at Sophie to indicate the crush-love part.

"Well, you remember that day that we bumped into Paul, the actor?" Darlyn nods while smiling bright. Sophie smiles really wide and takes a deep breath in, "Well, we started texting and got to know each other really well. He's really funny and sarcastic, which is a bonus for me."

"That's great. And are you guys... like," Darlyn took both of her index fingers together, back and forth, to hint if they were together now.

"Ummm, I'm actually not sure." Darlyn kept looking at her with her eyes squinting, as she shook her head from side to side. "Okay, well we did go get some coffee the other day and he admitted that I'm a very interesting girl and that we should do it again sometime."

Darlyn started to laugh, she got so red as her bestie said the last phrase.

"Wait, why are you laughing?" Instead of stopping, Darlyn continued to laugh. "You better tell me what the heck was so funny." After a while, Sophie understood why Darlyn was laughing. "You dirty minded girl," she playfully hit her on the shoulder.

"I'm sorry," she wiped off the tears that she got from her laughter attack. "I really needed that laugh."

"That's great. You really needed to laugh about my date's choice of words," Sophie said in a sarcastic tone.

Darlyn then tried to calm down. "Okay, okay. I'm listening now."

"Well then, back to my story... We are set to have another date this Friday and who knows what will happen then."

Darlyn sits back up and points at Sophie's shoulder, "He is so going to ask you out."

"I really hope so. He is so dreamy and I would love to be with him," Sophie puts her hands together, under the side of her  chin.

Darlyn then interrupts her train of thoughts, "One question though, do you love him?"

"I think I do," Sophie has never had a boyfriend so she was confused on what love is. She then looked down, playing with her fingers.

Darlyn reaches down to hold her best friends hands, she looks at her and says, "I know you are new to this. But know that I am here and whenever you need tips, advice, or even a pal to shop with... Just come to me." She smiled and then hugged Darlyn.

"Thanks for being here for me."

"No problemo. It's my job," she said as she laughs under her breath.

"Yeah, at least you get 'muah' and her friendship in return," Sophie said as she pulled away from the hug and lifts her hands up, while bending her elbows.

"So that's my paycheck?" Sophie laughed a bit and nodded forward.

"Do you mind if I sleepover tonight?" I'm too tired to drive back to my place."

"Of course, I was actually going to ask you if you wanted to." Darlyn got up from the couch and said, "I guess great minds think alike." She pointed to both her brain and Sophie's brain.

Both girls were really tired so they decided to get ready for bed. To not seem selfish, Darlyn decided to sleep in the living room with her.

Darlyn and Sophie were both comfy under their blankets, after washing up. "Goodnight Darlyn."

"Night Sophie, see you in the morning." As Darlyn closed her eyes, she started to think about random thoughts. She felt really guilty for the kiss and then she dreamed about doing a good deed that would hopefully help her forget that feeling. She saw Logan and the guys with each of their girlfriends. She also saw Sophie as the presenter of the event. She then heard the words "benefit concert" said into the microphone. She was backstage with Logan, preparing for them to sing their duet song on stage for the first time...

Darlyn motioned around on the couch and then opened her eyes and randomly yelled out loud, "I've got an idea," she was sitting up on the couch while holding her pointer finger up.

Sophie, while being half asleep, throws her a pillow and says "Good. Now let me sleep." Darlyn laughed a bit and then went back to sleep.


Hey readers, here's another update on the story. It will be another few weeks until I update again. College group projects are piling up and I am having finals week in 4 weeks. I get out of school on May 1st. So until then, enjoy this chapter and thanks again for the votes and the reads guys. I appreciate it.

An extra note: The next few chapters will be from the benefit concert and each one will focus on a particular song. Just fyi so you guys don't get confused.

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