14. Make-Up?

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Darlyn had arrived home and decided to text Logan; cuz besides Sophie's support Logan had some type of support that really helped her.

Text Messages:

Darlyn: Hey Logan :(

Logan: Hey Darlyn, y the sad face?

D: It's cuz I told my bf something and he got really mad.

L: What did u tell him? If u don't mind me asking...

D: For the TV show, I have to move to New York for 3 years.

L: Oh and he's mad about that?

D: Yes :'(

L: Look don't cry, please, even if it's through txt.

D: But I don't like it when he's mad at me.

L: Look, a real bf wouldn't be mad. Instead he would support u in following ur dream...

D: Oh, kind of like Kendall did with Jo on the show.

L: Exactly.

D: Well, who knows how that will go...

L: Trust me, if he turns around then he's meant to be with u.

D: And if he doesn't?

L: Then he's missing out on an amazing girl with marvelous talent.

D: Thanks :) Btw, what happened 2 u? The day of my audition?

L: Oh I had a meeting to get to so I sneaked out before it got crazy. And congrats again.

D: Thanks Logan, it really helps to talk with you

L: Technically we're texting lol ;)

D: Whatever geek :P

L: Hey, I'm not that geek that you see on the show

D: Then u're the bad boy that most fans believe u are :P

L: Nope, I'm not that either...

D: Then what are you? Some random dude in a boyband?

And on and on they kept texting for hours. When she suddenly heard the doorbell. 'Who could that be? It's already 8pm.' She heads downstairs and sees that it's Alfonso. She continues going downstairs, but slowly.

"Hey," he finally says.

"Hey," moment of silence. "So, what made you come tonight?"

"You," he says as he looks into her eyes. "Look, I know I was being immature by walking away, but the truth is... I'm scared of losing you."


"Really, and I feel like you moving to New York is only going to make things harder for us..."

"Alfonso look, this is my dream. I'm one step closer than I was before. And if you're not willing to go along with me on this, then I think it's time that we go our separate ways."


"Okay what?"

"Let's give it a shot."

"Thanks baby," she hugs him.

"Anything for you babe." They sat there for a while until Alfonso realized that it was getting late. "Gotta go babe. See you tomorrow."

"Bye and goodnight." He smiles as he closes the door. Darlyn sat there on the couch, wondering why Alfonso has been acting a little weird. She thought it was probably the change of her moving. 'Oh well, whatever it is I hope he gets over it.'


Just added a little Darlyn+Logan and Darlyn+Alfonso moment in there... I'll continue writing soon.

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