48. Birthday!!!

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Darlyn was curious about who Alfonso did her wrong with. Since she was insecure about herself, she wondered why Alfonso picked the other girl over her. She felt really tired and went back to the tour bus, meeting up with the guys and Logan. Logan was there for her during her all time low moment, her first heart break, and every other time in between. She opened the door and immediately saw everyone jump out, saying, "Surprise!"

She jumped a little, but popped her eyes wide open, as well as her mouth, "What's, what's all of this?"

Logan walked up to her holding a cake, "Did you forget your own birthday, babe?"

She opened her eyes wide and had her mouth in an 'oh' shape. "Oh, wow I'm way behind," she wiped her forehead. "I must've been living under a rock this whole time."

Carlos bumped in and said, "Like Patrick, huh?" Darlyn laughed a lot; she needed a moment to take out all of her confusions.

"Awww, thank you so much guys," she felt a little teary afterwards.

"Don't cry, you're going to make me cry," Alexa said, while reaching out to Darlyn's hand.

"Okay, I'll try not to."

"Alright guys, let the party begin!!" James yelled at the top of his lungs. They put on music and started to dance. They even wore crazy hats and created different moves. 

"It's cake time! Everybody gather around," Kendall said. He put the candles on the cake; the number's 1 & 9.

"Damn, I'm getting way too old," Darlyn playfully laughed as she saw the candles.

"Dude, you put candles on backwards," Logan claimed to Kendall. It said 91.

He looked down, "Oh my, I'm sorry." Kendall gave off a little embarrassing expression.

"It's okay, I bet you were just trying to make yourself younger than me," Darlyn laughed her head off. Everyone else joined in the laughter.

"Sure, sure, whatever, now let's all sing."

"Hold up," Dustin quickly went over to pick up his guitar. "Okay, now." He started playing.

Happy birthday to you,

Happy birthday to you,

Happy birthday dear Darlyn

Happy birthday to you!

Everyone clapped and cheered. Darlyn tried her hardest not to cry, but she had so many emotions inside of her, with the Alfonso & Courtney encounter and the surprise party, that she just had to let out some tears. She covered her eyes as she let the tears fall out. Logan noticed that her crying was a bit more on the sorrow side. So he got closer to her. "Are you okay babe?" She slowly looked up and saw his concerned face.

"Yeah. I'm just so thankful to have all of you guys in my life." Everyone awwed. She turned towards Logan and placed her right hand on his chest, "Especially you Logan." He still felt like something was wrong, but he gave her a smile either way.

"I'm so blessed to have you in my life as well Darlyn." The ends of her lips lifted up a bit, to give off a small smile.

"Are you gonna blow the candles, or should I call the fire department?" Britney asked.

"Oops, I forgot." She briefly closed her eyes and thought of her wish. She then blew out the candles and heard the claps and cheers from her friends.

"What did you wish for?" Halston asked.

Darlyn was about to open her mouth, until James butted in, "Shhh! She can't say it or else it won't come true, right Logan?"

"Exactly." The rest of the night went great. They all gave her presents. She got some new shirts, including a batman shirt from her boyfriend. "I kinda had to..." he says as everyone looks at him. She also got a couple of perfumes, including a Victoria's Secret one called Bombshell Diamonds.

After a long night, everyone said goodbye. Each of the guys was sleeping over at their girl's place to give the birthday girl and her man some privacy. Both of them were in their pj's laying down on the bed while looking up at the ceiling. After a while, Logan turned his head to look over at his girl. He saw her eyes with sadness, confusion, feeling betrayed in some way.

He then turned towards her, on his side. "Did you have fun?"

She slightly smiled, "Yeah." She then turned on her side, facing him. "It was great to see everyone."

"Are you okay? I've noticed that you've been feeling down since you came over."

 Her face quickly turned to a sad, crying state of being. He then embraced her in his arms, as he let her cry in his arms. After a few minutes, she calmed down and looked up at him. He caressed her face softly. His eyes said, 'I love you and I want to know what is bothering you.' She slowly sat up and gave herself a warming hug, while sliding her hands up and down. Logan grabbed a blanket and put it around her,

After a long moment of silence, she said, "I confronted Alfonso & Courtney about my wallet." Logan sat up completely and faced her in her eyes to show that he was listening.

"And what happened?" She let a few more tears out. "They didn't hurt you, did they?" He got up from the bed and started to motion his arms in a boxing form, "Cuz if they did, I swear I will go over there and..."

"Logan! Please, don't make things worse for me!" He sat back down on the bed.

"Then if it isn't that, tell me what's wrong?"

"It's just... I figured out that Alfonso might have cheated on me..."

Logan's eyes were in shock. He knew what it was like to be cheated on. Esmeralda had done that to him. He stared back at Darlyn; she looked like she needed a really long hug. So he hugged her even more. She was so close to him, that she felt and heard the beat of his heart. It made her realize that she has him with her. "There are so many people in this world. Good ones, bad ones, and I just realized something..."

"What is it?"

"That I have you." He smiled even more and then he slowly planted a kiss on her forehead.

"And you know what I just noticed?" She stared back at him, noting that she's listening. "That I have the most nicest, talented, prettiest, most sensitive, and strongest girlfriend. And I mean it in a good way."

Even though Darlyn had calmed down, she still didn't forget about the possible pain that Alfonso might have caused her. "I love you Logan."

"I love you more." They both lied down in bed, again. But this time in slow motion as they kissed each other constantly. After gaining their breaths again, Darlyn kissed him one last time and said, "I still need to know the truth about it."

"Why? That's from the past?"

"Yeah, but I need to know the truth. Even if it hurts."

"Okay babe, I'm here if you need any help."

"Thanks Logan." Then they fell into their sleeping position, with Logan hugging her from her back, with their feet touching each other to keep warm.


Sorry for the late update. I had a long 10pg paper due the 13th and I had to finish it. I wanted to update this chapter on February 7 because that was my birthday and I turned 19 years old lol Anyways, here's the chapter and I'll try and update more often. Hope you guys like it.

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