58. Found Drunk

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It was the same night of the benefit concert. The streets were dark, quiet, and somewhat spooky. Until a loud drunk man appeared. He walked down the street, in his drunk state of being, and suddenly fell onto the concrete sidewalk. He yelled, "Darlyn!" as he held his hands up, in despair, as if he was asking for forgiveness from God.

All of a sudden, Sophie was driving in her car with her new boyfriend, Paul Wesley. They were both laughing after he said a joke to her. When she then heard the cry of a familiar voice.

As she drove by him, she realized that it was her best friend's ex, on his knees with a beer bottle in his hand. He looked really upset, as he cried out her bestie's name.

Paul reached out to her shoulder, "Babe, were you listening to me?"

"Huh, what'd you say Paul?"

"What's wrong? Why are you acting scared?" Sophie did not realize that both of her arms and hands were shaking on the steering wheel. "Here, pull over. Let me drive." She drives them to safety on the street, and looks straight ahead at the night sky. She switched seats with Paul and waited for him to start the engine.

"Hey, aren't you going to start the engine?" He looked at her like he was waiting for an explanation.

"Not until you tell me what's wrong." They sat there for a few minutes, until she finally spoke out. "It's cuz, I just saw my bestie's ex drunk on the streets."

"Oh, that's it?"

"Yeah, that's pretty much it." She fake smiles and then adds, "I have to make a phone call." He understands, so he gets out of the car and heads inside to the coffee shop. Sophie makes the phone call to warn Darlyn. "Come on, come on. Pick up already."

"Hi, you have reached Darlyn. I'm really sorry that I couldn't answer right now. But leave me your name and number I'll get back to you soon. Okay, have a nice day..."

"Darlyn! There is something important that I have to tell you. Call or text me back asap." She hung up and sat there as she waited for Paul. About a couple minutes later, Darlyn calls back.

"Sophie. I just heard your message. What happened?"

"I just saw your ex drunk, with a beer bottle, yelling your name out loud, with pain!"

"That's the emergency?"

"Hey, I didn't say it was. But I just thought that you should know."

"Well, thanks for being a great friend Sophie. But just like you told me a while back, I deserve better and right now I don't really give a damn about him." Sophie smiled, knowing that her friend has moved on.

"Glad to hear it."

"Yeah me too. I thought it'd be hard for me, but instead it was easier than I expected."

"That's great. So, if I ever bump into him again do you want me to not tell you about him?"

"Ugh, well. If you want to tell me... I don't mind. Just make sure Logan is not here, he tends to get a bit jealous."

"Ha, alright then. I'll talk to you later. My man is coming to me with my coffee."

"Ooooh, so you have a man now?"

"Yeah, it's Paul."

"I knew it! What did I tell you!"

"Okay, you were right. He did ask me to be his girlfriend."

"That's great, I'm really happy for you. I'll let you go now, Logan is coming to me with a yummy dinner he just prepared."

"Alright, take care now."

"Thanks, you too. And don't have too much fun right now."

"Can't make any promises," Sophie laughed as she said that.

"Okay, bye Sophie."

"Bye Darlyn." At that exact moment, Paul closed the car door and handed his new girlfriend her drink. "Thank you so much Paul."

"No problem. Whatever makes you happy, my baby girl." Sophie instantly blushed. They enjoyed their coffee together in the car and afterwards headed to her house...


Back with Darlyn and Logan, they were currently at her place cuddling together, after their romantic encounter. They were feeding each other. "This was so nice of you Logie."

"It's my pleasure, my beautiful babe," he gently held her hand and kissed her. She continued to eat her food as he looked upon his girl. Never in a million years did he think his girl would have come to him as beautiful as her. She was the one, the perfect one for him. He kept on thinking of what to say and how to say it to her. He had practiced before, but he knew it was the right time.

"Logan. Oh Logan. What's up? Why are you staring at me like that?" She waved her hand, which had a piece of chicken in it.

"It's just... I can't believe that all of this has happened. Meeting you at the performance class was the best thing that has ever happened to me." She had an idea where this was going. "What I'm trying to say is... I believe it's time we take things to the next level."

She pointed her finger up in the air and said, "Oh, you want me to finally move in with you?" Logan lightly laughed.

"Ha, ha. I meant something more like this..." He got up from the couch, pulling out an engagement ring, as he got on his knee. Darlyn gasped in amazement. "Look, darling, I know we have had our bad communications in the past, but I really mean it when I say... That I want to be by your side for the rest of my life. As your friend, your lover, your boyfriend, and finally... as your husband. So Darlyn will you do me the honors of becoming my wife? Will you marry me?" Darlyn placed her hands on his cheeks, poking at his dimples while smiling with some happy tears.

"Logan Phillip Henderson, I..."

Before she finished her sentence, they both heard the door burst open, with a tall figure standing in the doorway. He looked like one of those scary monsters from horror movies.

Darlyn screamed as she heard and saw the creature. She got close to Logan, embracing him with all her might. They both felt each other's heart-beats as they sat in shock while looking out their doorway...


So, what crashed through the door that scared Darlyn & Logan? Til the next chapter...

BTW, thank you guys so much for the reads. I still need to see how to exactly end the story. I'll try to update soon :)

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