62. The Rescue Team

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Once they arrived at the building, James parked in front and the guys came out of the car. "This building is so tall. She could be anywhere!" Logan panicked.

James suddenly got an idea and said, "Then we should split up and search in different floors. Kendall, take the first three floors, Carlos take the next three, James shall take the following three floors..." he said as he pointed to himself "...and Logan will take the top three floors. Whoever finds her must text the rest of us. Got it?" They all replied got it and headed to their designated searching areas.

About an hour later, Logan came upon a room that had a door with a different design compared to the rest. He tried peeking through it quietly, and he saw her. She was tied up from her wrists and ankles, sitting on the floor, with her facing Alfonso.

Logan then quickly took a pic of the room # and sent it to the guys with the floor level. About 5 minutes later, the three of them arrived, breathless.

While mouthing their words, the guys asked, "Are you sure?"

"Yes," Logan replied. "Look for yourself."

The guys took turns and peeked through. When Kendall saw through, he only saw a pair of blueish-green eyes. "Well look what the cat dragged in," Alfonso said.

He opened the door and prepared to punch Kendall. But Kendall moved aside, as James blocked the punch and gave him a martial arts kind of kick. Alfonso fell on his back as the guys came inside.

Logan headed to untie Darlyn, as the rest of them held down Alfonso before he became more conscious.

"Logan! You're here!" She turned around to face her dimple-faced cutie.

"Of course I am." He finished taking off her hand ropes and then headed to untie her ankles. "I couldn't let that ex of a jerk-face take you away from me." She smiled at him. As he took off the ropes, he started to tickle her toes. She couldn't stop laughing for a while.

"Logan, Logan, stop. Please stop,"

As she continued to laugh, Alfonso became more conscious. "That... wonderful... laugh," the guys were still holding him down. "Ugh, get off of me! Let me be with the girl of my dreams!"

"Never!" Carlos said.

"Sorry dude, can't help you!" Kendall told him. James only gave a mad expression to him and kept holding him down.

Logan picked up Darlyn and twirled her around, as they hugged each other. When he put her down, she got close to his chest, hearing his heartbeat. Logan leaned on her.

Alfonso tried to break free by standing up, but the guys got him again and held him standing up.

After a bit, Logan lifted his head up and looked at Alfonso. He walked towards him, with a lot of anger. Then, he raised his voice slowly while saying, "This... is what you get... FOR BREAKING HER HEART!" Logan punched him in the eye, with a lot of power. He then walked around a bit and added, "This... is for leaving her when she needed you THE MOST!" while punching his stomach a couple of times. Alfonso let out a few groans.

"This... this is for RUINING A VERY IMPORTANT DAY FOR US!" He kicked him in his privates with a lot of force, as his anger got worse. Alfonso instantly grabbed himself, trying to hold in the pain since he has never cried in front of Darlyn.

Logan, while standing, stared down at him with all the hate a guy could have for his girl's ex. "And this... oh... this is for TAKING HER AWAY FROM ME!" Logan grabbed him from his shirt, in front of his shoulders and gave him a hit on the head, to where both of their heads crashed against each other.

Unfortunately, Logan hit his head so hard that he fell backwards, unconscious. Darlyn ran to catch his head, just in time before it hit the ground.


Hope you enjoy this chapter. Thanks for the votes and reads guys. After this, only a few more chapter's left. I know, I say that a lot :P

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