4. Decisions, Decisions

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The next day, Darlyn texts Alfonso that she has to rehearse for her audition. Alfonso seems a little bumbed out, but recalls that his best buds would be there for him.


Darlyn was hanging out with Sophie at the lunch table, deciding on the type of outfit to wear. "I'd say you should wear some tights with a nice shirt and some combat boots. That way you can dance around without worrying about falling or your underwear showing, if it were a dress," she says while laughing really loud.

"Ha-ha-ha, very funny."

"Man, I miss these laughing moments with you."

"I did too. And I have to agree with you on the outfit."

"See I told you it'd be best. Or you could switch it up into shorts and a nice shirt, but still keep the boots. They will look stylish."

"Okay then, these are some really great ideas." Darlyn says to Sophie.

"No problem."

Off in the distance, Alfonso could hear both of the girls laughing and enjoying their time. He was currently hanging out with his buds, who started making fun of him and Darlyn.

"So, where is she?" asked Tom.

"Duh you doofus, she's right there with her best friend. Laughing and having a good time." Alfonso said each word softer than the previous one.

"But why isn't she here with you and hugging you and stuff," added Ricky.

"Guys, stop it. She just needs some time to get ready for her audition. She really wants this and I don't want to be in her way."

"Dude, I'm sorry to tell you this but... you're relationship is going down the drain," Daniel says while pointing down.

"No, everything's great between me and my girl. Besides, I miss hanging out with you guys."

"Sure, sure, whatever you say," says Tom. Alfonso already missed Darlyn's precense and he knew that unless he did something then he would keep seeing less and less of her.

Then the bell rang. That was his cue. He walks towards her and hopes to turn things around.

"Yeah that is true," Darlyn told Sophie.

"Darlyn, can I talk to you for a second?"


"I'll see you later girl," Sophie says while waving goodbye.

"What's wrong baby?" Darlyn asks in shock, after seeing him sad.

"Nothing really, it's just that I miss hanging out with you all the time. I understand that you really want this, but I just miss you precense."

"Don't worry, once I nail my audition I'll have more time then."

"But what if you win, then what happens from there?"

"I don't know, we'll just have to wait and see till then," he starts to look down while holding her hands. "Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere. I'll be here with you."

"Alright babe... How about I walk you to class before we're both late?"

"Let's go then." And off they went, holding hands like they would before. That's a feeling that Alfonso seriously missed, the touch of his one and only girl.


Later on that day, Darlyn got back home and told her parents about the performance class that her teacher recommended. She had forgotten to tell them about it the day before, thanks to the excitement of the audition. It was going to start soon and she needed her parents approval for it. 

"Wow, $30 and a celebrity guest. Now that's a real deal," said dad.

"So, do you think that I can take this class? It's only for a couple of weeks."

"Of course sweetie. Your father and I talked about it and said that we'll do whatever means necessary to help you prepare for your audition," mom replies.

"Thank you, thank you so much. I love you guys and thanks for being supportive of my dreams."

"No problem darling, now go get some rest before your new day tomorrow," she then kissed her daughter's forehead while she hugged both of them.

"Goodnight mom, goodnight dad."

"Goodnight sweetie," they both said as they sat down on the couch to watch a nice movie together.

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