50. Talking Things Over

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The next morning, Alfonso woke up and to watch some more TV. He noticed Courtney talking to him and hinting that their one year anniversary was coming up soon. "So what do you say?"

He looked over at her and saw her hands put in a praying position. She really wanted him to say yes. "Uh, wait. What is it that you said?"

She got super mad afterwards. "You don't listen to me anymore, do you?"

He simply lifted up his shoulders and continued to watch TV.

"You know what?! I'm done with this, I am tired of being ignored by the one man who I think loves me." He had a feeling he knew where this was going. "But you know what? I love you too much that I'm not willing to give up on you." She walked towards him, sitting on the side of the couch. "You want to know why?" She then grabbed his chin and made him face her. "It's because I love you." He looked into her eyes and noticed the possible pain that she was going through because of his ignorance.

"I'm meeting up with Darlyn later on today."

"What, why?" She got up from the couch, crossing her arms, staring him in his face.

He slowly got up and faced her. "Because someone decided to tell her about me being unfaithful."

Her face then lit up and she started to laugh. "I'm sorry, but I just had to tell her. That way, if there was any hope of her wanting to get back with you... it's all over now."

 "You think this is really funny? Don't you?" She nodded. "Well, now it's my turn to tell her the truth." Alfonso looked down at his watch and noticed the time. "Now, if you'll excuse me I'm going to get ready." He headed towards the hallway, took a quick shower, changed into a blue shirt that Darlyn gave to him once for his birthday. When he came back out, he saw Courtney in a sexy pair of red and black undergarments.

She cat-walked towards him and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Just remember," she went around him, touching his back and talking somewhat seductively, "I'll be waiting here for you." She got close to his ear and whispered, "Don't forget."

Alfonso resisted and headed out towards the address that Darlyn sent him.


Darlyn was back at her place; Logan and the guys were out for a meeting about their next album. She was sitting in her room, looking through magazines. Then she headed downstairs and saw a car driving into the driveway. She quickly went to drink some water and heard a knock. She headed to answer and took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She mentally asked God to give her peace to talk things over with Alfonso. 'Here goes nothing' she says under her breath.

"Hey Darlyn."

"Hello Alfonso." They stood in silence for a while.

He put his hand behind his neck, scratching himself, "Ugh, can I come in?"

"Oh yeah. Sure, please come in," she moved away from the doorway. He entered and headed towards the living room.

"So, how have you been?"

She walked slowly with her arms crossed. "Since we last saw each other, um its been great." She exaggerated a bit on her last point. She noticed the shirt that he was wearing. He had given it to him for his 16 birthday, when they had first started dating. But she stayed with the same exact expression, showing no signs of happiness.

"That's cool."

"Please, take a seat." She sat down and motioned for him to sit down, next to her. He followed directions and turned to face her. They faced each other, looking at one another's eyes and remembered a few of their past memories.

Darlyn finally broke the silence again. "Did Courtney tell you about our conversion?" She squinted her eyes towards him, hoping that they were on the same page.

"Yeah, she told me." He stares down at the carpet afterwards.

"Okay, now I just have one last question... Is it true?" She held her hands together, with one pointer finger towards him.

He stayed looking down. Trying to think of a way to tell her the truth.

"Alfonso, did you hear me?" He buried his face into his hands. Then he sat straight up again, facing her.

"She is correct. I did cheat on you." Darlyn stayed still, she did not even flinch, like if she has stayed paralyzed with those words of his. "But please let me explain." He got down on both of his knees in front of her. "I felt alone. You were busy with your audition and I tried to reach out to you, but you rejected me all the time." He left a moment of pause, as he saw the pain in her eyes, with some tears. "And then, I saw Courtney and... and I was wrong to do that to you. I'm sorry Darlyn. I'm so sorry." A moment of silence. "I'm really, truly sorry for doing that to you." He looked to his side, feeling the pain for his actions. But he could not hold it in anymore, he had to tell her. "But..." she flinched a bit, then slowly looked up at him. She also noticed some type of pain in his eyes. "...that does not mean that I ever stopped loving you." He took the risk and caressed her face, placing her hair behind her ear. He leaned towards her, locking lips, which seemed like an eternity for him.

Darlyn was still paralyzed, in shock from hearing that she was betrayed by him. But for some strange reason, she went along with the kiss. She stayed content for a bit, and then placed her hands on his shoulders. After about 20 seconds, she realized what she just did and pulled back from him. Alfonso stares at her eyes, changing from sadness to hatred, She stands up, then takes her right hand and slaps him across the face. She then repeats what she said last time to him, except with more anger and a serious tone. "I don't love you Alfonso. I've moved on. And I never want to see you again!"

Alfonso realized that he was too late, so he caressed his red-cheek and headed out of her doorway, without saying a word. He got into his car and started to cry. He leaned on the steering wheel, while hitting on side of it.

A few seconds later, the car's horn beeps. Darlyn came out afterwards. She grabbed onto a potted plant that was on the side and yelled, "Get out of here now!!!" She attempted to throw it at his car, but he backed up and left before it hit. It started to rain, but Darlyn did not care. She stood outside of her place and felt every last rain drop like it was another piece of her tears falling down from her broken heart.


Hey guys, I know I just updated like one or two days ago, but I could not hold it in!!! This chapter popped into my head and I just had to jot it down and upload it. So, Darlyn finally knows the truth and she got kissed by her ex... What will happen next?? You guys will find out soon (probably next week) Thanks again for the readings and the votes guys :)

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