56. Dreaming of You Tonight

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Kendall and Ariel were the last to go up. They were both super excited to sing this song together. "Are you ready?" Ariel asked her boyfriend.

"Ready as I'll ever be."

"Okay then, let's go." The crowd was excited to see the final member of BTR with his new girlfriend. "Hello everyone. Did you guys enjoy tonight?"

Kendall added, "It's great to see that you guys love music and were willing to help with our charity event."

"That way you guys could help the next artist be discovered, even if it is as simple as them discovering their talent of playing an instrument."

"And to finish off the night, my girl and I will cover a song of one of the most talented Mexican singers of all time. She is remembered forever for her talent and generous way of being."

Ariel then said, "Thank you guys again for the support and here's Dreaming of You by Selena." The dreamy song and melody was playing as Ariel acted during her part.

Ariel: Late at night when all the world is sleeping

I stay up and think of you

And I wish on a star that somewhere you are

Thinking of me too

Cause I'm dreaming of you tonight

Till tomorrow I'll be holding you tight

And there's nowhere in the world I'd rather be

Than here in my room dreaming about you and me

(Kendall stared at Ariel and saw that her bubbly ways showed a lot of passion in her singing. He knew that she would make an amazing artist someday.)

Kendall: Wonder if you ever see me

And I wonder if you know I'm there

If you looked in my eyes

Would you see what's inside

Would you even care?

I just wanna hold you close

But so far all I have are dreams of you

So I wait for the day

And the courage to say how much I love you

Both: Yes I do!

I'll be dreaming of you tonight

Till tomorrow I'll be holding you tight

And there's nowhere in the world I'd rather be

Than here in my room dreaming about you and me

(Ariel: Corazón)

Kendall: I can't stop dreaming of you

(Ariel: No puedo dejar de pensar en ti)

Kendall: I can't stop dreaming

(Ariel: Cómo te necesito)

Kendall: I can't stop dreaming of you

(Ariel: Mi amor, cómo te extraño)

Ariel: Late at night when all the world is sleeping

I stay up and think of you

And I still can't believe

That you came up to me and said I love you

I love you too!

Both: Now I'm dreaming with you tonight

Kendall: Till tomorrow and for all of my life

And there's nowhere in the world I'd rather be

Than here in my room dreaming with you endlessly

Ariel: With you tonight

Both: And there's nowhere in the world where I'd rather be

Than here in my room I'll be dreaming

Ariel: With you tonight

Kendall and Ariel ended in a pose with him standing behind her, wrapping his arms around her. She stared up into his green, magical eyes and him into her dreamy brown eyes. For a few moments, they forgot that they were on stage.

To help wrap up the event, Sophie came out on stage with the rest of the performers, "Thanks to everyone for coming to support the music industry. Hope you all enjoyed it. Let's give a round of applause to all of tonight's performers." The crowd stood up, clapped, and cheered for the four couples (plus James). The ten of them held hands and bowed down, like if they were on Broadway.


The last chapter of the benefit is here. Thanks for the votes and the reads. Sad to say that only a few more chapters are left. And who knows, maybe I'll decide to make a mini sequel to it :S Only time will tell...

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