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L.A. was a beautiful city, to me the true city of dreams. This is where singers, dancers, actors, writers, anybody comes to make it in the industry, me and Bruno included. The only difference is one of us has actually achieved the dream.

You can see the airplanes in the dark sky above the bright city lights, the cigarette smoke filtering out steadily into the air. 

He really shouldn't smoke- it wasn't good for his voice, or his lungs, his throat, his heart–

But who was I to judge what he does in his life, I'm just some lowly employee at a magazine, I'll probably be thirty by the time they actually trust me to write shit.

"I really liked that first song you guys performed, the opener, little snippet song..." I spoke up. I was a bit drunk still so I couldn't find my words as quickly as I usually could. We were both on the balcony leaning against the railing.

"The Other Side?" Bruno glanced at me taking another drag.

"Yeah the one with the, da, duh, da, duh, da, duh" I made little piano noises and notions with my fingers, I must be pretty out of it to actually sing out loud, let's just say I have a voice that basically resembles cats dying a slow and painful death.

Bruno didn't let on though if he felt like my voice sounded the way I think it sounded, he just smiled looking back at our view of Downtown Los Angeles. "You know we actually came up with the rendition a couple of days ago...actually the same day as the interview."

"No way!" I exclaimed in disbelief, it had sounded perfect. They had only come up with it a few days ago? "What's the original like?"

"With two other guys." Bruno shrugged.

"What do you mean?" I asked a little confused.

"It features these two other dudes, you may had heard of them" Bruno shrugged again but with a smile. "Cee-Lo Green and B.O.B"

No big deal huh?

"Oh." I feigned disinterest. "Who are they (?)"

"Just two random dudes, think I first saw them busking outside Taco Bell for free Chalupas. Thought I'd give them a fair try"

"Is that the place where musicians hang out now-a-days?"

"That's where you can find me" Bruno replied with a nod. That sounded like an invitation to me but I always had an affinity for reading too much into things.

"Very interesting" I chose to say with a smile.

"So what kind of music do you like...I mean, besides mine" Bruno smiled taking another drag out of his cigarette and not taking his eyes off the scene ahead of us, maybe he wasn't that bad a smoker because his teeth were still brighter than all the lights in L.A. put together.

"That's a hard question..." I was going to add 'because no one matches to yours' but I was sticking by the no mocking rule, trying to keep this thing we've got going platonic, but maybe I didn't want to. "I like a bit of everything. Rock, pop, R'n'B, hip hop, dance, Disney" Bruno smiled at that last one making me pause. "Disney has its own genre, right?"

"Oh, definitely." He nodded.

"Good. I can also listen to Jazz at times, and country depending on my mood. I can't strictly stick to a style of music you know?" Maybe I wasn't making sense but Bruno was grinning big at me anyway.

"Yeah I do" He says thoughtfully his smile waning slightly, he seems a bit more sober than he was inside, it was fresh out here while inside was pure booze in the air. "Disney has made some of the best songs of all time" Bruno said with so much seriousness I had to laugh.

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