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This calls for a celebration of heavy drinking followed by even heavier vomiting with our favorite guys.... - Kendra Pearce

"Tina, you got a sec?" Analiese's head popped up by the doorway in the local computer room which was pretty vacant today.

"Yeah, sure" I said swiveling my chair around to look at her. As if I could say: no, come back later to the editor and chief of Mode Magazine, that was a death sentence all in itself.

"I've nearly finished proof reading the Q&A section of the magazine" I informed her assuimg that's why she wanted to talk to me, to tell me to hurry the fuck up with the stuff and probably revoke my not-so-new job of proof reading the lesser articles again.

"That's great" Analiese said dismissing the idea that the Q&A was the reason she was speaking to me "It's been so hectic with planning the Holly & Ivy Christmas Extravaganza bash and the Christmas issue that we've basically double booked all our writers for the November issue..."

Another thing Mode Magazine was known for was their huge Christmas party which was attended by anyone who matters in the celeb world, Oprah, Gwen Stefani, even Madonna so it was plausible that they would have to start planning for it months in advance and already be doing stuff for the Christmas issue. It was a big issue, about fifty percent more pages in this issue so more work was needed, but what did Analiese want me to do?

"This is a little embarrassing but we have no one to interview a spokesperson from Mighty Surf Gold charity - or MSG. You've been doing wonderful on the proof reading and was brilliant when observing Bridgette interview Bruno Mars that I want you to interview the spokesperson from MSG."

No fucking way!

"Yes!" I said way too eagerly. "Of course, I can do it" This is my chance, I can't believe I've been given this opportunity! "I won't let you down"

"I hope not, Tina, he'll be here next Thursday, bring your note pad, tape recorder and some stellar questions" Analiese smiled slightly but still had her boss-like nature about her, it was pretty intimidating but I was too stoked to care.


It's been two and a half months since we came back from San Diego, and it had been...eventful to say the least, especially after what had went down with Bruno.

We flat out avoided each other for the rest of the holiday which was kind of hard since we were staying at the same house but we both put a hundred percent into it. I was pretty much attached to the hip of Kendra for the rest of the journey. We partied hard, I'd usually go off with her during the days when we all went to lunch or did whatever, I even went in the couples' car on the ride back home for Christ's sake.

In the few group events I went to since we came back Bruno's pretty much been all over Amelia, it made me angry that he would go so low just to make a point to me. It was pathetic what we were doing but I honestly didn't know what else to do. I wasn't going to give up my friends just to avoid him and he wasn't going to do the same either so hopefully one day we'll both just get over what could have but never will be.

"I can't believe you're actually writing an article for Mode Magazine!" Raye squealed while we were lounging at my place after work that day.

"It's about fucking time!" Kendra chimed in happy for me. "I was about to poke my eyes out if I had to listen to another woe is me speech on how shit your job is"

"But honestly, this is just the start of it, Tina" Fara walked from my kitchen with a glass of juice in her hand, she knew the kitchen like the back of her hand. "After they see how much of an awesome writer you are they're gonna ask for you to write more and sooner or later you're gonna have your own column in Mode Magazine!"

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