35. Part II

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This was one of those rare occasions where Bruno would wake up before me, and trust me, those occasions were rare.

I could feel his fingers on my back, tracing something lightly.

Words maybe? Obscure pictures?

I didn't really care, it felt nice.

Everything thing felt nice here in Arcadia, like we were in this bubble away from real like and I wasn't ready to leave just yet.

It was my twenty-fifth birthday in two weeks and though that was great and whatever, days after that Bruno's World Tour would start.

He'd be touring the world...there's a lot of countries in the world and that meant he'd be away for months. I'd been dreading this for a few weeks now, from around the time my mom and dad had come to visit.

My mother's words to be careful buzzed around in my head, that times would be tough. This would be one of those times. Sure Bruno would be doing what he loved, I was happy he got to do that, I really was. But as time went by I found myself at a lost with how I would be able to cope with him gone for that long.

I didn't want to but I knew I was falling for him...fast. I just didn't want to end up how Raye was in December.

"You're a terrible actor, I know you're up." Bruno's soft, sleepy voice thankfully interrupted my thoughts and I replied with a groan crawling deeper into the covers. "And I know you've been up for a few minutes because you stopped talking in your sleep."

I turned to him eyes wide. "I don't talk in my sleep!"

"Uh, yeah, you do." He laughed. Why did he have to look so damn beautiful in the morning? I want the bed to bury me. He broke character with a rich, genuine laugh once he caught sight of at my expression. "You're way too easy, Danielson."

I sighed in relief,"Was that your idea of a joke?"

"You were just scared that you spilled your deepest, darkest secrets to me in your sleep. That and...you've dreamt about me every day since we met a year ago" Bruno said smiling to himself "I'm right, aren't I? You're speechless."

Never doubt this guy's ability to make me laugh.

I finally looked around at this hotel room since I didn't have much opportunity last night.

I gasped at the sight of it. At the decked out kitchen, the number of flat screen televisions adorned in this room. Again I'm reminded of who I'm exactly dating.

I sat up on the bed properly covering myself with the comforter – the super soft probably super expensive comforter. I wonder how many hotels like these he's going to be in during tour.

Well into double figures...maybe in the hundreds–

"–hey, what's wrong?" Bruno asked me, he was sitting up also now, his eyes locked on me.

"What? I'm fine." I lied, my attention going to my hair and how tangled it felt.

"I wasn't kidding when I said you're a shit actor, Tina." He took my hand from my face and put it in between us.

"You didn't say I was shit, you said I was terrible."

"What you're terrible at is trying to change the subject." He stated with a raised eyebrow. "Now c'mon. Talk to me." Bruno looked at me expectantly, I had his undivided attention.

Now how do I say this without sounding pathetic? Hmm, that is the dilemma. I didn't even know if I could explain how I felt. I started fiddling with my fingers.

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