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He should be here any minute. Why the hell was I so nervous?

We've spoken basically every day, he's seen me at my worst, so why am I changing my hairstyle every minute?

He was just coming to my apartment, not anything else, so I had decided on jeans, a black top and my favorite denim jacket.

Casual cool.

Geronimo was on my kitchen floor happily eating his food; could you believe I had to buy him more food? He was going be a fat dog.

I jumped at the sound of my intercom for my door going off.

"Shit." I mutter to myself and jog to the intercom and press the button. "Hello?" I answer breathlessly.

"Run a marathon? I'm by the entrance" You couldn't mistake the amusement in Bruno's voice.

Seriously, Tina. Get a fucking grip.

"Yeah..." I buzz him in and hung up the phone. Then run back to my mirror to check my appearance once more.


"Shit." I comb through my hair with my hand as I walk to the door. "Hey!"

"What up?" Bruno grins from my doorway and just like that my nerves vanish into thin air. I grab his hand pulling him into the room and wraps my arms around his shoulders. His leather clad arms instinctively went around my waist pulling me impossibly closer to him.

It was now that I realized how much I've missed his presence around me. To be honest, it kind of scared me.

I burst out laughing as I feel him pick me up spin around in a circle, I clutch him for dear life.

"Number one in the country, Tina." Bruno whispered into my ear as he finally placed me back on the floor. His eyes then trailed me from head to toe. "You look amazing..."

I smile at the compliment. "I missed you, you know." I admit honestly.

"You have no idea, Tina. Seriously, if you don't kiss me in the next ten seconds I think I actually might explode."

I chuckle but willingly obliege taking a step closer to him, my hand resting at the nape of his hair and kiss him. Softly at first then building in heat and passion as time trickles on.

Bruno pulls away but only so our foreheads are pressing each other. "Mmm, I've been wanting to do that for so long..." He smiled and leaned away. "Now where's my buddy...there he is." Bruno spotted Geronimo and picked him up. I didn't miss the initial struggle he had. "Jesus Christ, Tina. He weighs like a tonne."

"He eats like a beast" I defend and I lean on the wall watching the two get reacquainted. "I'm going to miss him." I say and pout, Geronimo had become one of my closest allies during these three weeks. I had actually grown to like having constant company.

Bruno flashed me a smile as he put Geronimo back on the floor. "My door's always open, Tina. So we've got today and tomorrow..." He walked up to me nodding.


"Okay, then I have to ask you something before we go our separate ways again." He then took a deep breath, shrugging his shoulders up and down in a warm up motion.

"You're making me nervous. You sound all official and stuff." I laugh through my nerves. What the hell did he want to ask me?

"Valentina Danielson..." He takes a breath. "Will you...go out on a date with me?" Bruno asked with a picture perfect cheesy grin which then faltered when he looked down to his outstretched hands. "...I don't know what to do with my hands...I mean...do I hold yours...or do I clasp them together...?"

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