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...do I have to answer it? Because it looks like you're gearing up to ask me one of those serious questions that I probably don't want to answer. - Bruno Mars


January went by in a flash. How could it not when I've got so much going on?

Two jobs with increasing responsibilities. Analiese was trusting me to collaborate with other writers for articles and Keith asked me to work on days when clients booked a large section of his bar. It was all worth it to see Bridgette's face when I couldn't get her a stupid non fat soy latte.

It was my day off and I had decided to hang out at Bruno's with a bunch of our friends.

His placed had turned into the usual hang out area since we had furbished it, especially given the size of his TV.

"...I think I'm going to cut back on the bar shifts..." I said idly typing on my laptop.

Blog post after blog post after blog post...

"What? Why?" Kendra demanded with a bottle of Bruno's best whisky in her hand.

Her poor liver.

"I've got way too much stuff going on at Mode ." I sighed, deleting what I've wrote for what seemed like the fifthieth time today.

You know what sucks the most? Writers-fucking-block.

"You're making excuses, all I hear is: no more free drinks for Kendra." She whined flopping on the other couch in the dramatic fashion only she can pull off.

"Why buy drinks when you can steal mine?" Bruno said from his perch, on the same couch on me. He was lying down with his legs over mine while I was sitting up straight. I've noticed from last summer this was his favorite position when sitting down with me, lazy ass.

Bruno strummed a beat on his guitar idly an old familiar beat.

"I seriously think you have drinking problems, girl." Phil laughed.

"It's been a stressful week." Kendra replied.

"I thought you had the week off." I spoke, not looking up from my laptop.

"So that's why you're camped out at everyone's houses..." Jamareo said thoughtfully with the TV remote in his hand and he changed the channel, again.

"Jam, can you just stick to one channel?" Ryan questioned, annoyances on his face and Jamareo changed the channel again, and again. "Hey!"

Maybe I should have stayed at home to work on this stuff....

My laptop chimed and a picture of my brother came on my screen. Why was he Skype calling me now? We usually did this on Saturdays, not Wednesdays.

"Mind if I use your room?" I looked to Bruno and he and nodded his approval distractedly.

I went upstairs to his room, sat on his bed and answered my brother's call. "Leo? What's up?"

Leo's shocked face came up on my screen. "Bruno Mars?"

"...What?" I don't know why play dumb with him sometimes. Leo never addresses a situation until he has all the facts.

"Tina..." He gave me a look. "Is that the guy you've been seeing these past few months? Bruno Mars?"

"...yeah." I finally admit the truth. "How did you know?"

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