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The week flew by as expected.

Jam packed with different restaurants where we could barely pronounce the food to going to the beach to the lively night life. I had almost forgotten the reason I had been allowed to have the week off from work.


Time was running out, Analiese needed an answer from me soon on whether to take the interview for Mode New York and I was no closer to a decision than I was when I stepped off the plane.

"Promise me we'll come back here one day, for a real vacation." Raye said, I assumed to Brian before she turned to the rest of us. "All of us, like we did back in San Diego. The girls would love it here."

"No argument from me." Phil said.

"I'm down." Phred agreed.

"Jeez, I remember when we'd be lucky to afford a night away from L.A and look at us now?" Raye chuckled. "Especially you Teen. Brazil...New York soon."

"What?" I stopped dead in my tracks.

New York? Did she–how could she have–

"Uh...yeah. For the VMAs..." She gave me a concerning look. "You alright?"

"The VMAs are in New York?" My brain finally connected the dots. My secret was safe...for now at least.

"Uh oh." Ryan's mouth formed the perfect 'O' shape and he shared a look with Bruno. "I think we'll just walk ahead...leave you two lovebirds to have a loving and understanding talk with each other, c'mon guys." He beckoned the others to keep moving ahead while Bruno and I stayed where we were.

This wasn't a big deal. New York was a big city, of course it wasn't outside the realm of possibility that award ceremonies were in New York. I already said I'd go to the awards show with him.

Its not a big deal, Tina.

"Okay, that's my bad, I thought you knew it was in New York." Bruno said warily, I guess my face didn't say it wasn't a big deal to him like I had hoped. "I know you're worried about Mode but I swear I've got it all figured out."

Oh my God, not only could he read my face, he could read my mind!

"How–how did you–"

"You won't have to ask for time off. The show's on Sunday so you can catch a flight out to New York after work on Friday and we'll be on a flight back straight after the show, see?" He smiled, pleased with himself. "You'll be at work on Monday like nothing happened."

"Oh." I blinked.


That was what he meant about me being worried about Mode. He meant Mode in Los Angeles. I looked down trying to get a hold on myself. "...wait, you said we'll be on a flight straight after the show."

Bruno raised an eyebrow at me, not getting my point. "I did."

"I heard that MTV throws legendary after parties, like people from work would near brawl to get the opportunity to cover the VMAs just for the after party."

"Yeah, you should have seen the shit Kevin Hart was doing last year at that party."

"Yeah, Bridgette was telling the whole section when she got back. I thought she was lying but she snuck her phone in...there are some things the human eye should never see."

"I found it funny."

"Of course you did." I rolled my eyes. "Just...you'd really skip...that to go back to LA with me?"

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