35. Part I

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The next afternoon I was hanging out with the girls at Fara's place. I had finally hung up my phone.

"...and they are officially gone!" I cheered, elliciting more cheers from the girls at the news that my parents had finally stepped on the plane that would take them back to Iowa.

"Finally you can drink and party and stay up late with us!" Kendra grinned. "I swear it was like hanging out with a sixteen year old this weekend."

"So they liked him?" Raye asked me.

"Yeah he and my dad got on like a house on fire, my mom was a little harder." I shrugged. "She basically coaxed him into talking about Vegas last year but he handled it well. I didn't get her blessing officially but she appreciated him being up front about it all." I purposely left her plea for me to be careful out of my recap though that moment was still fresh in my mind.

"So when are you going to Hawaii, then?" Kendra wiggled her eyebrows at me.

"Har, har, har." I laughed sarcastically.

"No, seriously!" She laughed.

"This isn't some meet the parents expedition." I explained. "My parents did a surprise attack on us so I don't expect a meet his parents any time soon. I've had enough heart palpitations to last me a good couple of years." I blew out a sigh of relief.

"As if he'd wait a couple of years." Fara snorted like I had told some big joke.

"Guys–I've just gotten past a big moment in my life that would normally claim lives because it's that stressing, just chill." I closed my eyes and took a sip of the wine Fara had provided for this occasion.

"Okay, we'll change the subject." Fara raised her hands in surrender befoe turning to Raye. "So Raye, didn't you meet Brian's folks at Christmas? You guys were together for how long–six months?" Fara smiled to me.

"Yeah around then..." Raye smiled at the thought.

"And that's great." I interrupted. "That's lovely, but that's Brian and Raye, Cute As Buttons Raye and Brian. Of course his parents are gonna like her, my parents like her more than they like me!"

"Don't say that, Teen." She scolded. Though my words held a ring of truth, my parents loved Raye and she loved them right back, she even stopped by the first day they came into town.

"And F.Y.I." Kendra leaned closer to me. "Not everyone's parents are like yours."

I saw her point, my parents aren't the ideal people to compare all parents to, but who else could I use as a reference to parents?

"I know..." I admit. "Can we really change the subject? For real this time? It's Bruno's choice whether or not he wants me to meet his parents so let's leave it at that. We should be celebrating that my parents have left town, God damn it!"

"Are you excited to be going on tour in a few weeks?" I asked Bruno while we were at this nice diner near where he lived.

"I've been itching to go on tour – a proper tour – for like a year and a half now." He smiled as he took his fedora off to run a hand through his curly hair before putting it back on. "Are you going to miss me?"

"Hmm." I rested my head on my hands pretending to think and took a sip of my milkshake.

"Hey!" He nudged my leg with his under the table. "Don't act like you're not gonna cry when I go."

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