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I'm always off my game when you're around - Bruno Mars

"Analiese." I greeted loudly in vain trying to be heard over the music.

I  still couldn't believe she actually came to my birthday party. She was  sitting by Phred's bar enjoying a similar looking drink to what Phred  had been sporting when I first arrived.

"Happy Birthday, Tina!" She tapped the empty seat beside her and I sat on it. "I hope you're enjoying your party."

"I  am!" I said and began observing the party around us. A lot of the  guests were on the dancefloor - well, Phred's main room floor - dancing  to some old school nineties song.

I caught Bruno's eye as he was moving with Phil and some of the guys. He flashed me a smile before showing off some moves.

Analiese  caught onto where I was looking and she smirked, "You know, I remember  the day of his interview, the one you sat in on. Who knew that would  result to this?"

"Not me." I admitted turning back to her. I  looked down at the glass that was placed in front of me by the girl who  was working the bar, she I did not recognize. I hesitated but ultimately  took a sip of the drink, it felt weird drinking in front of my boss but  I knew some liquid courage would be desirable to ask what I had on my  mind right now. "I'm actually surprised you came..." I hope that didn't  sound harsh or anything.

"Really?" She looked up at me in surprise.

"Well yeah, you must have better offers; you're practically God status in L.A."

"Personally, nothing sounds better to me than to come to my rising writing prodigy's birthday party."

Now she's just flattering me, but I smiled, my ego definitely needed a boost after this morning.

"Speaking of being a writing prodigy..." I sat up straighter, regretting my choice of words immediately. "I was wondering if you had some extra shifts going...or even jobs going at the magazine, anything really..."

Now  that I wasn't bartending anymore money would begin being tight soon. I  was making enough when I had two jobs and the tips from the bar were  keeping me above float now with no bar and tips it was going to be  tough. "I'm sorry, I know it's not polite to talk work at a party."

"Nonsense. You're ambitious, that's what separates  the good from the great." Analiese smiled slightly but it faltered and that told me what her answer was going to be. "But you know how things are at Mode...we've got a load of interns from college and we're all booked up, I'm sorry, Tina...not the best birthday present, I know."

But not the worst I've received all day.

I  held up the cup and downed the entire contents of whatever drink was  placed in front of me. Knowing Phred he had left strict instructions to  let every drink that was made to be as alcoholic as possible. That's  what I needed right now.

Analiese looked at something behind me and smiled. I turned to see Bruno  walking up to us to the beat of the song.

"Hey  Ana!" He called out. Yeah, I keep on forgetting that he was basically  friends with my boss. Bruno smooth stepped to us and leaned on the bar  beside us.

"Nice moves!" She complimented.

"I try, I  try." He said modestly holding his hands up like she was giving him a  round of applause. "Do you mind if I steal the birthday girl here for a  dance? Or seven?"

"Be my guest." Analiese said and Bruno got up taking my hand and pulled me up with him.

"You enjoying yourself?" Bruno whispered in my ear as we made it to Phred's living room floor. 

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