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"I see you've made yourself at home." Bruno chuckled as he peered into our hotel room. He picked up a cardigan I had thrown on the floor in the few minutes I had been in there before going to the concert venue to see him.

"I wish this was my home." I say, sparing a glance to the five star room but it paled in comparision to him standing in front of me. "Maybe I chose the wrong calling in life if I got to stay in rooms like this."

"You get sick of going from hotel to hotel eventually."

"Even hotels like this?" I ask as I fall backwards onto the king size bed with the silkiest sheets I had ever felt.

"Even hotels like this." He confirmed falling onto the bed next to me and pulling me flush to him. I instinctively wrappedmy arms around him and rested my head on his chest.

I let out a big yawn.

"What, tired of me already?"

"Ha. I didn't get any sleep on the flight here." I murmured onto his shirt, not finding the energy to lift it to see the look of shock I'm sure was on his face.

"Wh– at all?"

I shook my head forcing my head up to look at him. "I'm not the biggest fan of planes."

"Tina, that flight was thirteen hours long, at night."

"I know...it's fine though. I just need a couple energy drinks and I'm as good as new. Think they have those in a place as fancy as this?" I struggled to sit up properly but Bruno wouldn't let up and I gave up resting my head on his chest again. Too be honest I didn't try that hard anyway.

"Yeah, course...they might need to run to the store or something for it, though." Bruno said lifting a hand and reaching out for something, probably the phone. "Might take a while, think you can hold out?"

"Mmmhmm." I nodded slowly.

"Okaaaaay, I'll just message them...and done. Should be here soon."

I nodded, or thought I did before letting my exhaustion take over me.


It was the muffled sound of something slamming that jolted me awake.

I stretched my arms and let out a groan, feeling disorientated. It must have been a door I had heard slam, it wasn't that loud, but loud enough to wake me up.

I stretched my arms and let out a groan, opening my eyes to darkness. I felt around the bed not finding Bruno.

I slowly got up and felt around for my phone soon finding it on the bedside table.


In the morning?

"Shit." I whispered, I had missed Bruno's show.

We had gotten to the hotel around three in the afternoon and I had passed out almost immediately. For about twelve hours. I guess it was coming after spending the whole flight awake and alert.

After going into the en suite bathroom to wash my face and my teeth I ventured out onto the floor's hallway which I'm guessing had all been rented out to accommodate the entire crew of the Moonshine Jungle tour.

My eyes adjusted to the people milling about, Jamareo giving me a wink with his arms around two women, Brandon barking orders on his phone, Brian waving his hand in my face.

"Oh, hey Brian." I smiled, rubbing my eyes for the millionth time "Sorry I just woke up."

"Yeah, I heard you're a frantic flyer."

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