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I was surprised to get Bruno's call later that night.

I practically jumped at the phone once I caught a glance of his name and picture lighting it up once it rang.

He wanted to come over?

Yeah, of course.

I  probably would have said yes to anything he had asked, I just wanted us  to make up. Today I had been trapped in my head, running through every  word I had said, how I was stupidly focusing on my fears that Brian  proposed to Raye because he thought they wouldn't make it through the  tour while I was actively ruining mine and Bruno's chances of the very  same thing.

God, what the hell was wrong with me? Why were things so fucked up when it came to life back home? When it came to my mother?

My phone buzzed giving me reprieve from my thoughts. He was downstairs.

I let him in downstairs and waited by my door in anticpation. I swear these nerves were going to kill me.

"Hey..." I greeted Bruno nervously as he stepped out of my building's elevator.

"...Hey." He answered reluctantly, stopping a few steps away from me and damn did that hurt.

I  held out his car keys in my hand that I had been twirling in my hands a  little obsessively in attempt to keep my mind in check. Maybe that had  been the reason, he wanted the car back. Maybe he had taken a cab here  or something.

Maybe not from the way he scrunched his face at my gesture, ignored it and strode into my apartment.


I  closed my door behind me and placed the keys on the table near by as I  watched Bruno take a glass from a shelf and finding my rainy day liquor I  had taken from the bar from the last day Nancy did inventory, I knew I  should have taken two bottles.

"I hope you plan on replacing that if that's the amount you plan on drinking." I say with raised eyebrows.

"What's  his name?" He asked as if he hadn't just heard what I had said. His back  was still to me as he poured himself a generous amount of drink.


"His  name." He stated and turned back to me, his eyes a little erratic. "Mr.  High School Sweetheart who came home for Christmas Dinner."

I blinked. "Oh, um. Oliver."

"Oliver?" Bruno scoffed as he took a lengthy sip of his drink. "His name's Oliver?"

"...yeah...pretty sure." I answered awkwardly, fiddling with my hands for something to do before blurting, "I'm sorry."

"What're you saying sorry for? You didn't name him."

"For  not telling you about what happened back home. It's...it's my default  setting to act like whatever happened there never happened once I get  here and I know it's fucked up but that's what makes it easier for  things not to get to me, like...my mom's schemes. I don't think she's ever  forgiven me for leaving, not really " I said lowly but from the way  Bruno had lowered his drink I could tell he heard every word. "I think  she wanted me to end up just like my brother. To go to the same college  as Leo in town, to still be with Oliver, get engaged to him as soon as I  graduated, hell, if I got pregnant before graduation what need was  there for a degree? I had to leave, because that's what would have  happened if I stayed, and nothing's wrong with it! It's just not what I  wanted, and ever since I left, I've kind of been leading separate  lives...and it's exhausting...and it was going well before you came along" I  laughed slightly, awkwardly. I needed a way to end this confession on a  lighter note. I hated feeling vulnerable but I was beginning to see  this would be a norm when it came to a relationship this serious with  Bruno.

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