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A/N: I found the gif online and thought this hug was so cute. 

I never thought I'd be in this position...ever.

Me in a cab with Kendra to my left resting her weary head on my shoulder, I was pretty sure she had dozed off to the steady hum of the cab going to her home, and Bruno was to my right, his arm draped over the back of the seat. I could sense his hand dangerously close to my shoulder, it wasn't touching it but he would occasionally play with a strand of my hair.

The cab driver definitely knew who Bruno was but made no effort to talk to him, I'm guessing he was pretty intimidated by him. His face was fixed stoically to the road ahead, no movement coming from him except for the occasional turn of the steering wheel, sometimes I questioned if he was actually breathing.

"Favorite color" I ask, shifting my gaze to Bruno beside me. He had this look of serene content on his face, he looked like he was gently coming down from his drunken stupor.

"Red...radical red" He answered immediately. "Throwback"

Okay, this question was harder than it should have been. I didn't really do favorite anything. I was fickle like that. "Um...I've always loved violet" I muster.

"Ooo...Valentina loves Violet" Bruno said. With time I'd come to not mind him saying my full name, maybe because I doubt he would actually call me Tina if I asked him to, especially when drunk. "Favorite food"

It's not your turn, Bruno.

But this was easy. "...oh man, back at home my mom makes the best baked ziti. This type of pasta–"

"—I know what ziti is. Cultured, international superstar right here" Bruno interrupted, he had started twirling the same strand of my hair again in his fingers.

"Oh, sorry for assuming" I laugh. "But yeah, she makes the best Ziti, end of" I then looked to Kendra, still fast asleep against the window.

"I bet she does..."Bruno said wistfully and looked out the window as the cab came to a stop outside of Kendra's place. "This it?" He asks putting his face closer to the window in curiosity.

"Kendra..." I nudged her firmly. "We're at your apartment" I pushed her a bit more roughly and she moaned in protest. I sighed and looked at Bruno, she wasn't going to wake up and walk herself to her apartment.

"What?" He blinked at me innocently, as if anything about those deep brown eyes were innocent.

I nod my head to Kendra.

You know...the reason you offered to come?

"What do you want me to do?" He asked with a smile.

"...help me carry her to the door?" I say feeling confused. He knew this was his reason for coming, why play dumb now?

"And why do you want my help?" His mouth tweaked up on the side smugly, I rolled my eyes, seeing where he was getting at.

God, he really wanted me to say this? In front of the cab driver and my drunk friend.

I had to draw out my laugh now if I was going to say it with any ounce of seriousness."Oh, okay..." I laughed once more and straightened my face and looked at him with all the maturity I could muster right now which wasn't a lot. "Because...you're....an ox"

Bruno smiled genuinely but made no move to get out the cab and help me. Instead asking "What kind of ox?"

Was he asking me for a breed of Ox or something? "...um I dunno. A Holstein or—"

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