Gone in a Flash

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I woke up this morning completely prepared for the day, right then and there I knew that the day was going to be strange. I never woke up screaming good morning to the world, I was a person who woke up looking like a hobo wanting to punch a wall. I got dressed up for some reason. I think it was mostly influenced by being the only matching clothes I had washed. I threw on some makeup and headed out the door.

School seemed to go pretty fast, thank gosh it was a Friday! My mother and brother were gone for the weekend so I got to stay home and relax.

5...4...3...2...*end of the day bell*

I ran out to my car and started to drive home. I drove to Walmart treating myself to coffee, candy, and a few new bikinis with shorts for our hot tub seems how mine were getting old. Driving home I notice an odd vehicle parked next to our driveway. There was moving truck! The house next door had been empty for quite sometime now. I was very excited about my new neighbors, until I saw him. A fairly muscular boy with a dark tan and dark hair. I was thinking of going and introducing myself, but being the awkward turtle I am, I chose to stay home and watch movies.

I had just finished the last episode of Teen Wolf and my last M&M. I decided to go out to my hot tub. I walked upstairs to change and noticed a light on not to far from my window. The new guy's room (go figure) was right next to mine. I knew this day was going to be strange. I walked to the bathroom to change feeling uncomfortable with the new boy next door. I proceed to the hot tub when I hear Lincoln Park burst through the upstairs window. Lucky for him I love Lincoln Park.

I sat listening to the sweet sound of rock music fill my ear when I hear a creek on the floor boards. I quickly open my eyes and sat up only to see someone standing by the door staring at me. "Who are you?" I asked with a steady voice, I don't want him to think I'm a coward. "Chase" he says with a rough yet soft voice. "What do you want? Why are you here? Were you watching me?!" I was quite startled and slightly terrified at this point. He laughs and walks back to his room. Great now he thinks I'm desperate, or a creep. I slowly walk back in and change into something delicate yet comfy.

I fell asleep watching Bloody Mary not to long after 3 a.m. I heard a noise from upstairs. It was around 5 now. A slight breeze floats down the stairs and finds its way to my arm. I jump up alert. I sneak upstairs to see what all the commotion is, to find Chase in my room. I instantly turn furious, "What the crap!" My scream disturbing the perfect silence even disturbed me a little. Nervous he jumps out the window onto his balcony a few feet away. I lock my window and shut my curtains.

I run to my night stand to see if anything is missing. I don't find anything gone yet a note. I open it and see neatly scribbled Window tomorrow night?

I called my friend Beckett. After the first ring he answers, "Beckett I need you to come over ASAP" He hangs up on me almost instantly. Soon enough he pulls into the driveway. He walks in the door "I'm spending the night and raiding your kitchen, also I will need my swim trunks so what's up?" If you guys are confused Beckett comes over so much he left a pair of trunks here for the hot tub. Beckett is my best friend and he is honestly like my other brother. My mom and brother have gotten used to him always being over too.

"There's a guy" I explain, "He broke into my room and left me this..." As I hand him the note as he shoves a Snickers bar into his mouth. "So what's the problem? I think its adorable, do you think he likes you? Maybe its love at first sight! Or maybe..." Did I forget to mention Beckett is a huge match making freak. But I still love him to death. "Slow down! I don't even know this guy, I don't know what he wants." Beckett sits there for a brief moment, "What are you going to do?" He asks puzzled like he doesn't know my answer already. I answer sarcastically "Sit here and shove my face full of food wondering, Romeo Romeo where are thou?" He smirks at my comment. "Get your converse on we are going for a ride."

As we ride down an old dirt road we come up on an old lake, no one came here except me and Beckett. It's too remote, nobody really knows about it. "What's on your mind Beckett? We never come here unless you have something on your mind or one of us is upset." He looks up at me blankly with a cold hard stare. I look into his eyes I see them slowly tearing up, I give him a hug. "Who did it?"

Beckett is like my other brother and even though he seems really tough...he's the biggest teddy bear ever. Unfortunately, he gets his feelings hurt really easily. Ever since we were little we've been stuck to each other like glue, if anybody hurts him....let's just say it gets ugly. Nobody messes with someone so close to me, especially family. Beckett is close enough to count as family, which proves my point.

He looks up at me with tears not being so hidden now. "No one I'm just going to miss you." I paused at the sound of this. What does he mean? "What do you mean, Beckett? Spill it, now." He responds softly "I'm moving for awhile...its only temporary. Our house sold so we are moving into an apartment about an hour and a half away from here." At this point I'm crying, he pulls me into his arms. "Don't cry you know I'm very emotional, I'll be back a month before summer vacation. My new school will be done and I'll stay with you as much as I can until you get out and we can hang out all summer. We can...we can..." He was full on sobbing now. I was so sad, my best friend was leaving me until summer. It was only the second week of school! "Promise me one thing..." I manage to say through the pain. He looks down at me wiping the tears from my cheeks. "Promise me we will see each other as much as we can, when we can't get together we will Snapchat and Skype." "Promise" he whispers pulling me in a little closer now. Tears are slowly receding, it is now midnight.

Beckett and I spent the night in that field together. Chasing lightning bugs and walking the beach. Flashing back to all the good memories we had. "Then you fell into the river and came out of the water with a turtle on your head!" Yes I remembered that one. I kept the turtle and called it Beckie, since Beckett and I both found it. That was a good summer, before school and people and friendships got too complicated. If only we could relive that summer again...


Hey readers! This is my first time ever writing a story instead of writing crazy ideas and I am pumped! Please comment and let me know how I am doing. If you have any suggestions let me know and you might see a chapter based on YOUR idea :)

And I know this is REALLY short but like I said I am a first time writer. No nasty comments will be acceptable, please leave it all in your head and not in the comments.

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