Polar Piranha

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*Rylie's PoV*

Sure enough he did it again. I warned him that I'd punch him. What did I do? I punched him, what I didn't mean to do is break his nose. I guess I don't know my own strength. Oops.

*Chase's PoV*

She warned me but I didn't think that she'd actually punch me. But she did, and she broke my nose. I guess I kind of deserved it though. Oh well I think I still look pretty hot.

*Rylie's PoV*

After me and Chase were okay the Boyz couldn't keep away. It was like they were trying to keep us together! We ended up hanging at my house most of the time, because of the hot tub. But we all jumped around. We planned to all go to the beach tomorrow. I have a feeling it's going to be very interesting.

"Almost there!" He hollers back. We drove Chase's motorcycle to the beach, typical bad boy. When we arrive we couldn't find the Boyz, only their car. They all car pooled together so they were obviously here. We run over to the snack bar real quick, found them.

"Hey Boyz" I chant running over to see them. We've gotten pretty close since Chase and I were fighting.  I stuck with Tyler and Scott a lot.

*one month earlier*

"Should I wake her up?" "No Tyler let her rest!" "Your both wrong you have to give her a kiss like this." He leans in, and I spring up. "You boys having fun? Don't think your getting anything from me. I promise you I have nothing to offer."

This was the second week in a row the Boyz had shown up in my room before school. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and they hung around all weekend. Seeing how I had no choice in it, I had to except it.

Tyler, Scott, and Dylan were all here bright and early. Torturing me before 7 a.m. "You know you guys suck right? It's too early for this." They just laugh. "Why are you guys even here? After all we aren't that close." All three of them look in my direction "We aren't here for you." Dylan says breaking the silence from their awkward glaring "We are here for your food, your an amazing cook Rylie. You should be a chef." I start laughing "What have I made for you three that was good?" Tyler starts "That Mac n Cheese you made the other night was really good." I give him an amused look "That was out of a box. Nothing special." Scott laughs "As long as the noodles aren't hard!"

I walk upstairs, after making them breakfast, to change. I change into something cute and lace. A white lace spring dress to be exact. It was a strapless short dress. I wore grey boots and nude tights with it. Since it wasn't to long after fall I still had a tan. Ironic wearing a spring dress in the fall huh? My hair was curled and loose, a silver gray bow rested towards the top. Two smokey eyes, bright pink lips, and two pink cheeks later I was ready to go.

I walk back downstairs careful not to trip. All the boys turn and look me down. I bend down to grab my purse making sure me butt doesn't show. Tyler cat calls, soon the others join in. "Looking hot Rylie. I don't think we can be around you, well bring your hot scale down a couple notches." I smile too this, "Come on guys we'll be late!" I turn and walk to my car. The Boyz hop in, Scott getting the passenger seat. Great I had to deal with Scott next to me for 20 minutes.

"So beautiful, how about going on a date with all of us?" I was shocked! Were they really asking me to go out with them? "What?!" "You heard him!" Dylan yelled up at me, you would think we were a mile away from each other. "Come on Rylie, we're going on a triple date and I'm the only one without a date. Will you go with me?" Scott sounds so desperate. "Where to? What are y'all doing?" "Just going bowling. Maybe catch a movie after." Tyler smiles at this "and maybe after that movie we could..." I cut him off quickly. "Hold on Tyler, we all know I'm beautiful but we don't need to take it to that level." He looks at me blankly, following with a smirk. "I was gonna say maybe we could sit in your hot tub. Just us four, Beckett too if he's home." I glare back. "Sure that's what you were going to say."

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