*April Fool's* (bonus chapter)

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I walk into my house. No one was home, and no it's not a prank. My family doesn't do April Fool's after what my dad did. Long story short, he told us he was leaving with Nickolas on April Fool's Day. When he walked out we all thought he was coming back, and he never did.

Most people would think I'd hate April Fool's, but I don't. I actually love it because the day my dad left this family got a whole lot closer and happier.

I walk up to my room, there was a note on my nightstand.

Wanna go find nemo princess?

Great, the bad boy was a prankster too. I hate when people trick me. I go to his window and peek in. No one home. That was odd. I look back down at the note, I flip it over revealing a part two to his message.

Let's try the hot tub?

I never said he was smart. I actually wanted to see how this went though.

I walk to my hot tub, sure enough, another note was taped to the top.

Oops, he swam away. Maybe the EAC? Or should I say the WPL?

I had to think on this one, WPL? I think for a while. Oh! Walmart Parking Lot!

I drive there, there was a big crab sign, I had a strange feeling about this. I drive up, there was a note.

Sorry pal! Just missed him, he was in a pinch ;) I think he said something about Sydney? No...Oh! It was Tyler!

I hate Chase sometimes. Okay so it's official! This is a love-love-hate-love relationship. Friendship? I don't know.

I drive to Tyler's house. There's a note on the door, go figure.

You're getting closer, but try to be a little faster! Don't lose you memory along the way!

The football field next to the school. Why fast? Maybe I have to take the highway to the back corner of the field?

On my way there I pass a motorcycle, I don't think anything of it. There was a traffic jam, the same motorcycle passed me. I arrive at the field. You know what I find...

So close! You only have one spot before you end the Chase!

Stupid Chase! I end up going to his house, he couldn't have just said that in the first place? Of course not.

I arrive back home and walk to his house. Sure enough, on his door...

He went around back Rylie! Love, Chase's mom ;)

I love his mom, she's cool even though she's almost never home. Like my mom.

I walk around back. There was a plush nemo fish with a twenty dollar bill attached, and *drum roll* a note.

You're so cute when your mad, nemo was nice and paid for gas. Keep your chin held high princess!

I look up to his room, he's looking out his window. He smiles and waves at me, blowing kisses. I wave back a little differently and walk inside.

At least I got gas money. I walk upstairs to put my nemo away. Someone had been in my room. I dash around like a mad woman, looking for anything wrong. Nothing's weird so I flop down on the bed.

After laying there for a while staring at my blank ceiling, I think something. I wonder...

I turn to my window, written in black all the way across it was

Happy April Fool's Ogre Doll!

Ugh! Chase, I'm gonna get him back for this!

It was late that night, I sneak out my window over to his. He was out cold by now. I sneak into his room. I stole all of his pants and boxers (which I proudly used tongs for). I write on the butt of all his tidy whities SEXY, or MANLY, or stupid stuff like that. Then threw underwear and pants into the tree in his front yard. It rained really hard that night so his clothes were soaking wet, luckily the marker didn't come off. Did I mention I used a Sharpie?

He woke up the next morning, shamefully walked to the tree and started picking everything out of it. The Boyz pulled in, perfect timing, and saw him. Several photos later, he walks back in. I wave to him through the window, crying from laughing so hard. He "waves" back and has to listen to crap from the guys for the rest of the day.

His mom got home and came over to visit me, she walked in she seemed furious. Then she cracked up "I can't keep a straight face! That was amazing!" She high fives me and leaves. This is why I love his mom.

Take a second guys...you're getting told the story from the top dog of pranks ever. How cool is that?!

Happy April Fool's y'all! Hope you enjoyed my bonus chapter! Again, this will not change the story but it may be mentioned later in the book.

Happy April Fool's day again! I'll write my part 2 chapter soon! In fact I'm working on it now!

Stay lovely :) ;)

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