Secret Guns

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*Rylie PoV*

"I got it." I finally say. Then I scream, clear as day as if someone was murdering me. Chase comes running over, me and Tyler bust up laughing. Chase sat there muttering under his breath. "Don't you ever do that to me again!" He was furious but we continued to laugh.

I lean into him and grab the back of his neck, kissing him on the forehead. "I love you baby." He couldn't help but smile. I know where his weakness is now.

After Tyler left in the truck we say good bye to the old barn and part. Chase drives me back home. I walk up to my doorstep, I watch Chase pull into his driveway and walk inside. "Home safe." I mutter under my breath and walk inside.

Josh was over, him and Devin were already up playing video games. I'm wondering if they even went to bed, seriously it's like 6 a.m. "What are you two doing up?" I ask making them both jump about 10 feet high. They hold a hand to their chests, "Rylie! Oh hi, what do you mean it's only" Josh looks at the clock, "Oh. I see." He looks at Devin. They both shrug and continue on with their game.

I walk across the hall to my room. "Hey Rylie!" Devin yells. "What?" "Can you make me and Josh some breakfast? We are hungry." I groan, "Fine! But you owe me." He yells back, "Oh Rylie one more thing!" I roll my eyes heading down the first flight of steps. "What now Devin?" He yells louder knowing I'm on the stairs, "Next time just kiss the boy!" I can hear Josh "Oh! Shots fired man! I win!!" Two year olds.

I go down and make them French toast, we had some home made syrup from a family friend. "Breakfast is done!" I walk out to the living room and pop in a movie. I have some French toast myself. Ten minutes later the boys were still not down here. "I'm not feeling sorry if you breakfast is cold!" They still didn't listen. I stomp upstairs grab them by their ears and drag them down to the kitchen. That's what happens when you act like a two year old.

After a long day of relaxing and watching movies Chase made a surprise visit. I was watching Jupiter's Ascending when he snuck in. "Oh Channing Tatum, you're to hot to be human." "What about me dear?" I hear the booming voice from behind me. I turn and smile. "You're to hot to be on this planet. Human or not." He wraps his arms around me "Guilty as Charged baby. Are you gonna punish me now?" He kisses my cheek. I kick his leg out from under him making him fall on he floor. "Yup, and I get the couch." He gives new a glare before picking m up.

He sets m down on his lap. "This is more like it." He says. I cuddle up in his arms, "Much better." I reply with a smile.

The rest of the day was a lazy day, we basically watched movies all day. We watched The Amazing Spiderman with Andrew Garfield. I walked around the house the next three hours pretending to shoot web onto stuff and hang off the ceiling. It didn't go the best but no major injuries. Chase would laugh every time. He would shoot a "web" at me, roping me in with it too.

It was pathetic yet funny. We had fun, he held me in his arms. I always loved laying with him, but what I loved most was when we held hands. Most people say sparks fly when they touch someone's hand. I never felt it, there was a small spark we both felt, but it was more or less there for getting the butterflies in your stomach going.

When Chase held my hand, it was calming. It was like he was letting me in to see the real him. He was letting me into his life, and letting me take a section of his heart all for my own. It was like magic and at the same time not at all. It was like he was letting me be the reason he got out of bed every morning.

"Rylie." I hear a distant voice. It kept repeating my name, growing louder each time. "Rylie!" I finally hear it clear. I open my eyes, "What? Huh?" I look around groggy, I may or may not have fallen asleep.

"Wake up baby, dinner's almost here." I smile as I turn to see Chase, "What's for dinner baby?" I ask as the doorbell rings. "Burgers" he replies with a smile. My favorite. He brings in the food and sets it on the table. We eat until we are stuffed to the brim and start watching more movies.

The next day I get up, not really remembering the night before. I got up and showered, I curled my hair in loose natural looking curls. Throwing on some makeup I walk downstairs. As I'm making breakfast I notice no one was home. Mom and Devin went shopping for a new phone for Devin. Little did Devin know mom was taking him to get a job too.

I walk back upstairs eating a pancake with peanut butter. After about 20 minutes I heard someone enter from downstairs, I figured it was just Beckett coming back from yet another date with Brad. He's been gone so much lately, I miss him. But I know he's having fun at least, Brad was good for him.

I hear a noise again and decide to investigate. I walk downstairs carefully, still cautious just in case it was an intruder. I walk into the living room, there was a shadow in the corner. It was digging through to find something. I walk over slightly recognizing the figure. I get close and freeze in my tracks. It was the one person I never ever wanted to see again. "Dad?" I ask in almost a whisper. He turns around pulling out a gun from his pocket, "Hi sweetie. I want you to tell me something and be honest. Where is my..."


Cliff hanger!!! So sorry I had to though! :( just read and suffer and it'll hopefully all be worth it in the end.

What is Rylie's dad looking for? Will he actually hurt her? What will happen? Will anyone save her? Find out next chapter!

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