Driving away

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Tuesday, the second Monday of the week. Watching the clock tick down got boring so I started to draw. Not knowing what to draw I stare back at the clock, slipping into the dusty memories that I haven't thought of for years.

I end up thinking of entertaining weekends I used to spend with Beckett and Molly. It was before my mother had her busy job. We used to run around and play tag and do all this fun stuff. Even jumping into the neighbors pond! My mom and Molly always made sure to stay with us too. They made sure to play with us as much as possible. She was really sick it seemed like, I wonder what she was sick from.

Having this on my mind for the rest of the day I ask my mom that night. Before I can ask anything though, a strange car pulls into the driveway. It was Nickolas and Mitch, shoot me now.

Nickolas walks furiously up to the door, he didn't knock of anything just came right in. "What did you do to my wife? You gave it to her! You did! Now I have to pay for it!" Devin grabs me and runs upstairs, throwing me into my room he glares at me with a serious expression, "Pack up, we're leaving in ten minutes max." His teeth look like they've been welded shut, sounds like it too. I nod in agreement.

I pack in six minutes, I didn't know where we were going or for how long. I sneak to his room, "Now what?" I make sure to ask gently. He looks up, he has two suitcases. "I grabbed Beckett's stuff mine is almost done, do you have your phone and a charger?" "Yes" "Good" he says, "go ask Chase if we can sneak out through his place." I do as he says.

Luckily Chase was there. "Yes princess?" I wasn't in the mood for his crap. "Cut the crap Chase, can we sneak through your house quick?" He has a look of real concern on his face. "Yes? Rylie what's going on?" I look at him, honesty is flowing out of me like a solid gold stream. His facial expression went from concerned to looking like he would hurt anyone in his way.

"How could they do this! That is unacceptable, not okay." He was outraged. "Do I need to call the cops for your mom? I can do it after you guys sneak out." I think for a second, "No."

We pause for a minute, watching Devin sneak in and out packing things we needed. I spent the last few minutes with Chase. He held me close to him. "Where are you going anyways?" He asks, breaking the unbearable silence. I hold back my tears, I look up through my blurry eyes to see he's holding back tears of his own.

"I don't know" I finally choke out, "I don't know how long we'll be gone either." He let's a single tear drown his cheek, taking away the matte look of his face. I can't hold back my tears any longer. It all let's loose, I'm sat on his bed wrapped in his strong arms sobbing. His chest is my pillow. I look up at him, his face bright red now. "Sorry, I'm getting your shirt wet." He chuckles wiping the tears away. "It's okay, I don't mind."

As we drive down the old road I stare out the window, tears falling faster now. Devin notices "Hey, cheer up. I'll get you some coffee." "Okay." But Chase makes it better.

We pick up Beckett in town. He calls the cops to check out the scene, we stay anonymous. Beckett refuses to sit in front next to Devin, yet gets in back with me.

"What's wrong Rylie?" He hugs me. "Nothing." I didn't want talk about it. Knowing that only 20 minutes ago I was in Chase's arms made me cry more. What if he meant it as something else, is he going to miss me? I didn't want to think about that right now, I was too upset about leaving.

My mom was okay, the cops took the guys away before any harm was done. I may sound pretty self absorbed over the whole Chase thing and not my mom, but I don't really care. I know my mom is safe and that's all I need. Thinking about her and wat could've, but didn't, happen will just make everything worse.

We drive for another seven hours, stopping occasionally for drinks and food. It was pitch black out and about 3 a.m. I think. I couldn't see the clock since I just woke up. I stare out the window for about ten minutes. I think about Chase, a tear falls. I think of how he was holding me, another tear sheds down my burning red cheeks. I think of how much I miss him, I start crying harder.

I think things like this until I'm full on sobbing, somehow I manage to stay silent. I just lost one of the most precious things I have. Why does life hate me?

The sun is just peeking up over the miles upon miles of fields, occasional trees here and there blocking all light. It was really foggy out. I stare out the window playing karaoke with Beckett and Devin, they were trying really hard to cheer me up.

We stop and get breakfast since none of us slept well, even with Devin and Beckett taking turns driving. I got coffee and a cinnamon bun. My cinnamon bun came first, it had a Carmel glaze. Then my coffee came, I stare at it before I think of taking a sip. I thought of Chase and the coffee he made for me.

He kept popping into my mind. Could the last moment we spent together really be the last time I ever saw him? Why was I so broken over this? All I know is he was crying over losing me. That boy was making me fall hard for him and now I may not ever see him again.

I get a text from him.

Call me when you get a chance?

I get it two hours after breakfast, "Hey Devin, can we make a stop?" "Yeah, we are coming up on a town here quick." He takes the exit into town. We pull into the gas station and a call him.

Chase: Hello?
Me: Hey, you wanted to talk?

Hey guys! You made it through the next chapter of IMtBBGB! Hope your not crying too bad! It'll be okay, I promise!

So, what do you think? What does Chase wanna talk about? How do you think Rylie feels for Chase? Does Chase feel the same way? Is this the last time they see each other ever?!

Stay tuned ;)

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