Love is awakening

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"Chase, I know you can't here me. Please hold on, stay strong. I need to see you. I need to tell you, even if you don't feel the same way, I love you Chase. I'll always love you, even if you don't feel that way back, even if you die tonight, I will always love you."

I meant every word of it too. I sat there by his side for the longest time. Holding his hand and rubbing the top, why? How did this even happen?

It was 5 days before my birthday. They had Chase moved out of ICU seems how he was healing. He was under 24/7 monitoring though. Chase please wake up. I don't want the boy I love dead on my birthday. I fall asleep on the of the bed.

When I wake up the next day, I couldn't even tell if it was the next day. I look over at the clock, it blinks 3:42 a.m. I look up at Chase, colored lights beaming across his face. I feel a tear run slowly across my face.

I quickly feel something move from under me. I get excited hoping it was Chase. "Chase?" I whisper. No one else was here at the moment. I sat still for what seemed like hours. I look at the clock realising it had been only a few minutes. Quickly, I give up. Ready to fall back asleep and hope he'd wake soon.

I feel a twitch from under me. I jolt upright, fully alert and awake. I stare at him for a moment. I must've imagined things again. I'm going crazy I guess.

"Ry...." I heard the whisper. I look around, still no one. "Rylie...Rylie..." I hear it again. Where is it coming from? Am I really going crazy? "Rylie." They say this crystal clear, then I know who it is coming from....Chase.

"Chase? Chase are you awake? Baby please talk to me" I rub his hand, kissing his forehead. He opens his mouth, "I got a job." I start laughing, tears streaming down faster then a river. I hug him tight. "You got a job?" He slowly lifts his arm, "Yup." He smiles lightly, not opening his eyes yet. "Rylie." He trails off. "Yes?" I answer back. He opens his eyes and looks me in the eyes, "I love you." I start crying harder, hugging him tighter. I kiss his cheek, "I love you too."

He falls asleep again, weak from the coma. I lay my head on the edge of the bed, falling into a deep sleep. Chase said he loved me. Did he mean it? Was this even real?!

I wake up the next morning about 6 a.m. I look up to see Chase wide awake, staring in my eyes. I smile and start to cry. I hug him. He was still weak but he was actually almost back to normal, strength wise. He sat half up hugging me back, "Did you mean what you said?" He asked this in a hushed voice. I look at his eyes again, crying still through my smile. "Of course." He gestures for me to lay with him.

I sit on the edge of the bed, lifting the covers to snuggle up with him. I wrap my arms around him laying my head on his chest. He smiles and kisses the top of my head, "Me too." He squeezes me tight, I felt safe in his arms. I knew then and there that he was going to be there to pick me up forever. I fall asleep on his chest.


I held her close, she's finally mine. I don't know if she'd stay with me, or if things would change. All I knew is that I had her safe in my arms, and I wouldn't trade that in for my life.

My mom came in, along with Devin and Beckett. My mom told me the guys were all still asleep. That was okay. My mom whispers to me "How are you feeling?" I look down at Rylie, "Better then ever before." She smiled at me, "She's gotten almost no sleep. Keep her close honey, she's a keeper." She grabbed Beckett and Devin and left me alone with the girl I love.

Saying I love her is overused now that it hardly means what it's supposed to. When I say I love Rylie, it was the real deal. Some say I'm too young and I don't know what love is, but honestly who does? Even people who think they are in love may not be in love. I put this thought in the back of my head.

I stare at Rylie, sleeping away the day. I was so happy I couldn't describe it, it was so unexpected. I knew I'd have to let her go eventually, but not anytime soon. I think about this and drift to sleep, happy with the outcome of waking up.


I had missed him so much I didn't even realise it. It was a for sure rule though, that from now on I would never leave him again. As long as I had him and he had me. I didn't know how things would change from here on out, I'm pretty sure that we'd be together soon enough. I was just joyed over being in his arms.

I wake up about 10 that night. I look up at Chase, we hadn't moved a muscle. His eyes soon open, he looks at me. "Hi princess." He kisses my forehead. I smiled, "I missed you." We hugged each other tight.

After we had been up for awhile we got to talking. "So" Chase starts, "are we like dating now or do I have to bribe the love of my life more?" This comment sends chills up my spine. "You already got me baby." I smile flushing read, a tear of joy trickles down my cheek. He cups my cheek and kisses my forehead, then holds me closer then ever. "About time you fell for me." Smiling in silence we hold on tighter, letting time slip away like a leaf in the wind.

He's alive! Awww...aren't they cutee?! I ship it.

So guys! I need a ship name...I have no clue, actually I have couple ideas but comment yours!! ;)

So we should see the ship name soon, I'll leave this up for a while and tell y'all bout the cutee couple we have just witnessed together and closer then ever.

See you next chapter!!! :)

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