Bad Boy Sleepover

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*Rylie's PoV*

He agrees to watch the movie. After popping it in he says "...but don't you dare tell anyone." I smile cozying up in his arms, "Only if you don't tell anyone about my episode...or my dad. Only Beckett knows anything about my dad. He doesn't know about the message though. Sorry I'm ranting."

He chuckles back, wrapping his strong sensitive arms around me. He stares into my eyes "It's a deal." I blush. Quit Rylie, he doesn't like you back. He's only comforting you. I take advantage of Chase being nice and supportive.

About 20 minutes into the movie it starts getting a little chilly, even though it's 70 degrees (Fahrenheit). I've never liked the cold breeze from the air conditioner. Chase notices and puts a blanket on over out legs. I look up at him "Aren't you gonna be warm?" He shakes his head. "I've never liked the breeze either." Gosh he's so cute like that, shut up emotions!

We make it almost all the way through the movie and I felt my eyes growing heavy. No, I'm not going to fall asleep. I'm not a typical romance girl, I'm too awkward. I'm an awkward turtle, like I said in the beginning.

All of a sudden I hear snoring, I hope it's not me! Nope, it was Chase. My prince, I mean my guy, I mean...Chase. I mean Chase, my Chase fell asleep with two minutes left. Well, maybe it wouldn't...*and I fall asleep*

When I woke up Chase was still sleeping. It was almost 10 p.m. I look over at him. He manages to look hot even in his sleep, I could never look cute or hot in my sleep. He starts to wake up, "What's wrong Rylie?" It starts coming back slowly, then all at once. "Are you upset over your dad?" I shake my head, "No, but my mother's going to be furious when I get home." I look at my phone. There was an unread message

From mom: Okay sweetie be safe! Love you!

I was so confused. I look over and see Chase smiling.

"Already taking care of." He text my mom that I was staying at a friends house for the night. Through my eyes of course. "You forgot about something though." He looks. "What?" I hit my head with the palm of my hand. "How am I suppose to stay here with no pajamas and nothing else" I'm a woman, not a pig.

He sits for a moment. "You can wear one of my t-shirts, we have toothbrushes and stuff in the bathroom." I smile, "Cool."

He runs upstairs grabbing a t-shirt of his. While running back downstairs I hear a thump...thump...thump. I look over to see Chase curled up in a ball on the stairs, and I'm the clumsy one? He stands up blushing, "Oops." He says laughing.

He throws me a black Fall Out Boy concert shirt, I have the same one actually. I open the door when it dawns on me, "Chase." He turns around, "Yes?" "I don't have any pants but my skinny jeans." Blushing slight rose by the time I'm done. He scratches the back of his head. "I have some plaid flannels, but you'd swim in them. Same with my mother's pants." He pauses to think, "You could sneak into your room and grab some couldn't you?" I roll my eyes "That was the point of borrowing a shirt genius." He smirks, "Then go without. I won't tell, besides I've seen you in a bikini before. Won't be to different." He says this straight faced, he only smirked quickly to return sarcasm.

Whatever, he does make a good point. The t-shirt was long. I slip it on and walk out. It comes down past my butt, okay I'm good now. Feeling awkward I slip under the blanket. He doesn't see me until coming back downstairs. I didn't even hear him go up!

After being downstairs for awhile we play truth or dare. It went okay until Chase fell over and scraped his shin pretty badly. We decide it's better to stop after this.

"Now what?" I ask. I had bandaged his leg up, giving him a playful kiss on the cheek. It was more awkward this time, something felt different. Wow, maybe I do like him! He noticed it too, only I didn't let it show.

"I don't know" he starts, breaking the awkward silence between us, "what do you want to do?" "Hmmm" I think out loud, "want a pizza? We could run and pick one up!" He was excited about this too. We hop on his bike and go.

We came back later with pizza, pop, and snacks. I change back into his shirt and dig in on the pizza. He laughs, "What? I'm just eating." "I know you are, I like a girl that doesn't eat light." He winks at me. It took all the strength I had in me not to blush. I just stick my tongue out and eat more pizza.

We put in another movie, The Internship. I love that movie, especially Dylan O'Brien. We sit and laugh all night. It was nice, I will admit that. Until Chase came here I hated any romantic crap like this. To be honest I don't really consider this romantic though, he's just being there for me. Being a good friend, that's all. Does he think this is romantic? Surely not I mean, who would ever like me?


Guys! Funny seeing you here ;) so what do you think so far? Is it amazing yet?

Does Rylie really like Chase? Does Chase like her back? What happens after tonight, does everything go back to normal?

Comment your ideas! See you guys next time! :)

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