I Think I Wanna Marry You

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I was happy to be home now. Home with Chase. Devin decided to stay at Josh's when I got home and give me a break, he surprised me at the hospital when I woke up and he didn't leave my side until I left. Beckett came too, visiting and bringing Devin things he needed. My mom refuses to leave !me alone in a house for now. She was proud of me for all I did dealing with...Mitch.

Chase's side was mostly healed now. He was released from the hospital, he goes back in a week for a check up. His mom was worried about him so he came over while she was at work. She had a two day meeting out of town so I got to be with Chase for three days straight. Yay!

He was laying next to me on the bed. He was so sweet, he held me close and made sure I couldn't escape. "Hey baby" he starts "guess what." I look up into his caring eyes. "What baby?" He smiles, the same smile I fell in love with. He pulls out his phone, starts playing a song.

🎵 I think I wanna marry you! 🎵

He kisses my head, "I never wanna live a day without you Rylie. So what do you say?" I was so happy I couldn't believe it. I started to cry, and hugged him tight. "But baby" I said, "we are only juniors." He shook his head. "What would you say right now?" I think for a moment. "I'd say yes, but what if something happens? What if you stop loving me?" He kisses my cheek before getting up. "I could never, I think you'd say the same."

I look as he gets down on one knee. "Rylie Hanson, will you marry the stupid jerk next door?" I nod my head. After only a couple months of actually dating he asks me to marry him. Wait, this is too perfect. What if it's all a joke, we are only Juniors.

I don't care right now. "When are we gonna do it?" I ask. "We can't just get married while we are still in high school." He looks to the ground, standing up he smiles back. "After we graduate we will go to college, get jobs that we've dreamed of. After making a little money we will have the wedding of our dreams."

Even with a wedding five or six years away, it was worth the wait. Knowing he would be there forever by my side meant the world to me. I hug him, shortly after we return to our movie. He didn't have a ring, just love. He jumped into his room to get something. He comes back with a plastic ring out of a vending machine. He slips it on my finger, perfect match.

"I know it's not much" he starts, "but I hope it'll do for now." I smile and tear up. Hugging him tight I suddenly find myself letting go. "What?" He asks this with a very concerned tone. I look down at the ring and back up at him, tears filling his eyes. "I'm not rejecting you baby." He sighs that sigh of relief that no one knows they are holding.

"Then what's wrong?" He asks, I smile back before giggling. "Where did you get this?" He chuckles, "Vending machine. Don't judge me." I poke his chest. "I will judge you, this is us after all." I egg him on teasingly.

Thursday came faster then I had hoped. Today Chase had to leave, his mom was coming back tonight. I wake up to the smell of pancakes, I rush downstairs. Well, as fast as I could with a limp and a couple stitches. "Good morning mom!" I exclaim while rushing down. "Rylie" my mother starts. I cut her off "I know I shouldn't be rushing around everywhere but I'm a starving teenager mom. I'm growing I'm always hungry."

"Rylie!" She quietly snaps through her teeth, I look over. There were two police officers here. "Good morning Miss Hanson" one starts, "do you mind if we ask you few questions?" I look down and see I'm in not very appropriate attire for talking. "If you will excuse me to go change my attire you may." He nods his head and I start walking up the stairs.

As soon as I'm out of sight and out of hearing range I dash upstairs. I jump next to the bed, "Chase!" I scream whisper so no one would hear. He rolls over grabbing my hand. "What baby? Can't it wait 'til morning?" He was still half asleep. I drag him off the bed onto a small chunk of memory foam I had for when I fall off the bed myself. "Come on get up, the police are here." He nods his head and rushes around with me to freshen up.

We head downstairs a short three minutes later. "Are you ready to get started?" They ask, strong yet not pushing anything. "Yes" I say hesitantly. As I start to shake a little Chase grabs my hand, squeezing it nice and tight so I felt safe. "Okay" says the second cop finally. "We will start with you then the boy." He turns to Chase, "Please wait here." He nods his heads, kissing my forehead before we are off to do the interview.

After they were done interviewing Chase we ate breakfast. We went upstairs after and watched some more movies. We had seemed to be doing that a lot lately, but honestly that's the only thing we had energy to do. We both ended up taking a nap while watching Teen Wolf. When we woke up his mother was pulling in his driveway.

He decided to just hop through the windows. He was still sore but it was faster. "Hey" he says looking back one last time before he enters his room. "What?" I ask with sleepy eyes. "School is starting soon. We'll be seniors. You know what that means?" I shook my head. "No, what?"

He smiles. "One year closer to marriage." And then he disappears into the darkness of his room.

The end! Sorry guys that's the end of I Made the Bad Boy Go Bad!! I will be editing the chapters soon!

So what do you guys think? Another book? Continue with senior year? Will they really get married? Did Rylie get in trouble? Comment on what you think!! Thank you guys for all the support you've given me this was a blast!

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