Black Coffee Stains

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Chase showed up at my window, eight sharp. We both had the flu. "Why didn't you just call me?" I ask. "Why didn't you call me?" He replies with heavy sarcasm. Okay, so the flu has messed with both of us. We ended up having our "date" in my room, we watched My Sweet Audrina. After the movie is done I turn to Chase. "So what's on your mind? You wouldn't ask to watch a movie with me if you didn't want to talk." He scratches the back of his head, "Ya, I kinda just wanted to, I had a feeling, I moved here and saw you and..." He struggles to spit it out. Finally annoyed I spoke up "Chase! Spit it out boy my gosh!" He looks up startled, "Okay! The truth is, when I moved here I had a feeling about you. I didn't know what to think of you. I just knew I needed you in my life. I want to be friends Rylie, I really do." I look back and start laughing. "Why are you laughing? I'm serious." I calm down a little so I can choke out a sentence. "The bad boy wants to be friends and told me over a movie! That's hilarious!!" He gives me a cold hard stare. I stop laughing, "Lighten up, its just a joke." He rolls his eyes "Bye, Rylie." Just like that *snap* he's gone. Out the window and into his room. A couple minutes later I receive a couple notifications. They are from Chase, Keep away, I have someone else and don't need you anymore.

A few weeks has past now, Chase and I haven't talked since that night. What did I do?! I was joking around, whatever I didn't need him. I hung with Beckett after school, later his boyfriend showed up. Yup, I was third-wheeling. It wasn't that bad though. Brad was pretty cool, he had a really cool lip piercing. Usually I hate seeing people with lip piercings, but Brad made it work. He also had his ears pierced, he isn't a bad boy though he actually wants to be a singer. He's really good too.

After I broke away from Breckett (my ship name for those two) I walked down to Caribou Coffee. I ran into Chase there with a girl. They were sitting close, just leaning down to kiss each other. I grab my coffee "Can you two not do that in public, it's really taking away from the beautiful scenery." Chase looks up to see me "Rylie?!" His face turns flush. His little "friend" was not to impressed "You know this girl? Okay I'm out, don't call me." She storms off, hitting me hard enough to spill coffee down my favorite white sweater. Chase walks my way, before he can open his mouth I hand him my coffee. "I'll save you the hassle, don't talk to me and quit sneaking into my room. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm leaving to change. Or will you hook up with someone else to stop me from making stupid mistakes again?" He stood starstruck, "You know that really didn't make sense right?" How dare he try to laugh it off! "It'll take me less then a second to forget you, was that clear enough?" I storm off. How dare he hook up with another girl to keep me away. Jerk.

Chase tried coming to my window later that night. I had locked it so he couldn't get in. I hear him screaming through the window "Rylie please! We need to talk! Rylie please I was a fool." I got up and walked over to the window, I shut the curtains right in his face. I'm glad my curtains were thick, then Chase couldn't see me cry. I felt awful but I was tired of his crap. I deserved better.

I told Beckett, he held me for the rest of the night. He left to go to get some food, he came back with a giant bag of Reese's and Devin. The only people I liked to talk to when I was upset was my mom, Beckett, and Devin. He hugged me close, "Shhh, it's going to be okay little girl. Devin's here." He's been doing this since I was little. I put my head on his chest. "Why don't we open a window and get some fresh air, huh?" Before I could register what Beckett was saying he opens the window. Chase is still there, it's been an hour and he is still sitting there. Beckett quickly closes the window and curtains. Did he see me this way?! I hope not. I hold onto Devin closer at the thought he may have, Beckett joins in. They held me close until I calm down, so five hours later. I look at my mirror to wipe away the mascara smears, "Don't tell mom, please? I font need her worrying." Beckett and Devin nod their heads in agreement. "I promise, Rylie. Your secret will always be safe with us." I hold them close again. "Thank you."


Hey guys! Sorry this chapter is so short, I couldn't wait to start writing the next one ;)

Keep commenting! Feedback is amazing and I love getting everyone involved in this! I'd like to thank BriannaShaw5, Cute_Shipper, georgina7777, and all my other friends that inspire me so much! This story would be a lot crappier if it weren't for their crazy ideas!

See you all next chapter :)

Also make sure to check out their stories ^^^


My kind of normal


A cynical and an idiot


Partners in crime

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