Dreaming up Rings

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After a failed attempt of a fun day at the beach we all went back to my house and sat in the hot tub. As usual. My mom and Chase's mom went away for the weekend, girl's weekend. They seemed to be getting pretty close, we all know she could never replace Molly but they were still good friends.

We played a giant game of truth or dare in the hot tub. It was very crowded with nine people. We crammed Chase, Tyler, Dylan, Scott, Josh, Devin, Brad, Beckett, and me all in one hot tub. For being such a big hot tub, we made it look small. It was a good amount of people for truth or dare thought, perfect place too.

"Chase, truth or dare?" He looks at Brad with a devilish smile. "Dare, and don't go easy." He returns the look, mocking Chase. "I dare you to take Rylie upstairs and kiss her like there is NO tomorrow." Why does he have to get me wrapped up in this? What did I ever do to him? "What?" I screech right as Chase pulls me out of the hot tub. Dragging me upstairs he sets me on the bed.
"I have an idea." He says this and nothing more before running into my bathroom. He comes back with a giant floating noodle. Since when was that in there? "I put it in here earlier for emergencies." Oh that makes sense. "So what are we going to do with it?" He smiles. "Actually Devin and Josh gave me the idea for it. You through it in before running up and cannonballing in. Then their eyes and mouths are wide open." I smile back. "Good idea. Wait is cannonballing even a word?" "Who cares, let's go have some fun. Follow my lead."

We throw the noodle in before rushing into the hot tub screaming cannonball as we go under. "That was genius!" The Boyz and Brad all say in unison. Beckett was choking on water he inhaled when we jumped in. "I'm okay." He spits out over choking and laughing. When he recovered we all had a good laugh and continued with our game.

When it was 3 a.m. we decide to head inside. We through in a movie, attempting to throw popcorn in each others mouths. We kept playing truth or dare. It only got interesting after Tyler fell asleep.

"Beckett, I dare you to draw a sharpie tattoo on his face!" I couldn't even say this with a straight face. "Yes! Do it!" Chase was excited of this thought. Beckett gets up and grabs a sharpie. "What do I draw?" He asks. "Draw a spider! He hates those!" Dylan chimed in. "Draw a devils mustache on him!" Josh cheers on. Five minutes later Tyler had a face and chest full of random drawings. He was so out, his fault for not sleeping with a shirt on.

We stayed up almost all night doing random stuff. If you didn't know us, you probably would've thought we were on drugs. It was 6 a.m. now, we ran to Walmart and got a giant thing of jelly beans to play the jelly bean challenge.

"Eww! Skunk spray!" "Yay! That means mine is liquorice!" We played until every last one was eaten. Then we all passed out.

We woke up about 4 p.m. Tyler had been upstairs for two and a half hours trying to scrub the sharpie off his face. He wasn't mad at least. "I would've done the same thing" he says, "At least I can pull it off." "Sure" Brad butts in "and I can eat a stick of butter without throwing up." Even if you couldn't hear it in his voice, you could tell he was being sarcastic. Brad hates butter with a passion. He could never eat it plain, especially just a plain stick of butter.

For the rest of the night we all walked around like zombies, which inspired us to watch Corpse Bride. "Tim Burton is a living legend! He has done everything from Corpse Bride to Beetlejuice!" "So true" I comment randomly. "Everyone looks at me. "What?" I ask. "We thought you were sleeping." Chase admits. "Oh, am I that good of an actor? Maybe I could be in the next season of Teen Wolf then? I have the acting skills and the looks for the job."

Chase brings me upstairs. "What are you doing Chase?" He doesn't stop until we reach my room. "I wanted to show you something." He says. "Close your eyes and hold out your hand." I do as he says. He slips something over my finger. I look down "My ring! You still had it after all this time?" He smiles. "Ever since you hit me in the face." I started laughing. "What?" He asks quizzically. "Nothing, just brings back good memories." He gives me a slight hug before walking back downstairs.

"Chase!" I call after him, making him me back up to me. "Yes, Rylie?" I look down at my feet nervously. "What do you think of me as Chase?" He looks a little concerned. "What do you mean?" "Well" I start, "I think we've all been getting closer to each other, you and I the most. Where do you think we stand?" He pauses "Friends." "Just friends?" I ask, disappointment in my voice. "No" he smiles "best friends." He turns walking downstairs to join the rest. I stand froze, blushing in the middle of the hallway. Chase runs back up. "Are you coming or what, princess?" I run down after him.

"Wake up Rylie!" I get woken up by Chase screaming in my ear. "Come on Rylie! I know it was a long night but it's almost 3 p.m. you should see Tyler! He's trying so hard to get the sharpie off his face!" "Can I ask you something?" "Anything." He says with a twinkle in his eye. "Do you still have my ring?"


Does Chase still have the ring? What does Rylie think of her dream? Does she have something for Chase? Find out in the next chapter!

Please, please, please comment! It's awesome to get feedback from you guys! It's really fun to see what ideas you could come up with for future chapters!

Excited to see what happens next chapter? Stay tuned into the book!

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