True Coma Love

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I rush into the hospital. I rush to ICU. I here Devin chasing after me, Beckett was way behind. Guess being on track for three years paid off. I run up to the counter, the lady looks up. "Can I help you?" She has an annoyed look on her face. "Yes, which room is Chase..." She cuts me off. "Are you a close relative?" I shake my head. "I'm sorry but..." All of a sudden the doors burst open, they are rolling someone by. It was Chase.

My heart shatters right then and there. I couldn't do it, I fall into someone's arms. They were not familiar, it was Chase's mom. I back away sniffling, "I...I'm sorry'am." I look shyly at my feet. She hugs me tighter.

"Cry all you want sweetie. I wish he was okay too. We gotta stay strong." She takes me by surprise. She looks at the lady behind the counter. "Let this girl and her friends in, they are the closest thing to family that boy has besides me." The lady nods and makes a note.

All I wanted to do was see him. More then anything in the world. I had missed him so much, my inside was slowly dying knowing he is like this.

He was rushed to an emergency surgery over two hours ago. They haven't finished yet. The doctor came around the corner, he looks around seeing we were the only ones there. "You must be here for Chase?" He doesn't bother saying his last name since we all started nodding.

We look up "Is he okay?" A few ask in unison. The doctor nods, "He still has to be monitored in ICU. If he responds well and his body starts healing itself, he should be in the hospital under watch two days from now." We all sigh in relief of this news.

I hope he starts healing, it must be awful for him. He feels all the pain.

*Three days before*

I sit in the car, ready to fall asleep. "Devin" I start, "when do we get to go home?" He looks over snickering, "Miss Chase?" I blush. ", I just...okay maybe." Beckett looks over at Devin, "Yah, I miss Brad too." He gives up the fight. "Okay we'll start driving tomorrow."

We leave the next morning. I wanted to text Chase, but at the same time I wanted it to be a surprise. I decide to let it be a surprise. I think I might love him.

We drive for the longest time before we come into town, as in two days long. We stop at the edge of town gas station, we run into Dylan. "Rylie!" He screeches like a little kid. "Chase has been miserable, imma call him." I stop him, "No! I want to surprise him." Dylan nods, "Okay then come with me." He drives to his house. "I'll tell Chase to come here and we'll surprise him." He pauses, "I'll get the guys in it too." He winks. I nod in agreement.

We sit there waiting for him for hours. "Dylan where is he?" He shrugs, "I don't know I'll call him." He calls and tells Chase to hurry his butt up. We wait about five more minutes. Dylan turns, "Hey Rylie, what if we meet you at the barn and bring Chase with us?" I nod "Sure, call before I leave though."

He calls, no answer. "That's odd" he says, I agree with Dylan. He tries again...nothing. "Something's up, Chase always answers." All the Boyz get a text at once. They look at each other, then me, and repeat. I shake my head. "Quit doing the lookey thingy! What's going on. Tell me!" My voice cracks, startling me.

"Chase...he was...he's in the E.R." Tyler finally spits out. I hold a blank expression, I was so confused. I was sad, angry, starstruck, and...confused all at the same time. What?

I start to question, but it doesn't work. I slowly break into sobs as I speak, "What...why...How do you...Are you sure no no no NO!!!" I fall feeling my legs go numb. Scott catches me, gently setting me down on the carpet. The guys all surround me all of a sudden, embracing me with a giant group hug. "We go.!" I try standing but my body falls, numb from shock. Dylan picks me up, "Scott, grab the keys...we are taking the van."

*Back at the hospital*

Chase has been out of surgery for awhile now. We couldn't see him right away though. The doctor comes back out. "I have some good and bad news." We sit up. "The good news" he starts, "is that his body is healing very well." We sigh in relief, "the bad news is because he is experiencing so much pain he fell into a comma. He should wake up, but we can never know for sure until he does. I'm so sorry." He slightly bows and walks away. No no no no no no! This can't be happening. This is not what I asked for my birthday.

He fell into his coma exactly ten days before my birthday. All I want for my birthday is Chase. For him to be awake and okay, no pain and healthy.

I go into his room four hours later, after an hour everyone leaves me with him. I look at his pale lifeless like face. He looks awful. I start to cry, okay sob. I sat by his side and starting sobbing.

"Chase, I know you can't here me. Please hold on, stay strong. I need to see you. I need to tell you, even if you don't feel the same way, I love you Chase. I'll always love you, even if you don't feel that way back, even if you die tonight, I will always love you."

So sad!!!

Does Chase wake up? What does Rylie do? What happens between them, how does this change her relationship with the Boyz and Chase's mom?

Check it out next chapter!! :)

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