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She begins, of course it's mine. She was practically tearing up. I don't get it, it wasn't even that good. I sit there blushing. As I look around the class almost every girl is in tears, even some guys are choking up! What the heck?!

"Class" she begins sniffling, "this is a person who has went through to much to handle themselves. Any of you that have friends like this need to take care of them." She leaves the classroom crying. So does over half the class. This was so embarrassing.

I wish Rylie could've been here to read it. She's gone though, out of my life. I have to find some way to get over her. Yet I don't want to.

I decide to call her that day after school. Ring...ring...*voicemail*
I try again. Ring...*voicemail* I do this several times, it goes to voicemail every time. I sigh and leave. It was worth a try right?

I walk into my room, shut my door, flop on my bed, and take a nap. I fell asleep without realising it, I was actually doing math homework. Go figure I fell asleep doing math.

When I wake up I see Rylie's window, the blinds were shut now. Someone shut them, blocking me off from the last part of her I had now. I look at my calendar, 17 days. Only 17 more days until her birthday, looks like I'm not spending it with her anytime soon.

I don't even care anymore, I have to forget her. I go for a walk. I walk all the way down to the grocery store, I see a sign in the window. Help wanted. I needed a little bit of extra can in my pocket anyways, maybe this way I could get Rylie something nicer then a dumb necklace. It couldn't hurt to apply right?

I walk back home, it's about 10:30. My mom was on the couch crying. I walk over "Mom. Mom what's wrong?" She was shaking, holding a single piece of paper in her hand. I look, it's my poem.

"Mom! Where did you find this?" I grab it and put it face down on the table. She sniffles "We said we'd forget this Chase, how could you do this to us!" She's sobbing.

As much as I hate seeing my mom cry, if she yells while crying she needs to be left alone. I grab my helmet and take off on my bike. I didn't know where I was driving, I just followed familiar roads and drove.

I get off at an old building, it's the barn. I crawl inside the doors, the thunder starts to rumble across the sky. It was like someone playing giant drums. I lay on a hay bale, why was this happening?

I spent the night. When I wake up it's barely drizzling outside. I step out and feel the bitter cold breeze against my face. In hailing and maybe snorting a little water.

I grab my motorcycle from beneath the barn and leave. Heading back home, or so I thought. I feel my phone in my pocket, pulling over I check it. It was Dylan

Come over? We have a surprise for you!

Okay, cool. I drive to Dylan's house. To get there I had to go down an old dirt road. It takes quite,awhile to get there so I stopped at a little café on the edge of town. They had the best pancakes ive ever had there, well besides Rylie's. She's an amazing cook, maybe I could cook her something for her birthday. Nah, she wouldn't be here anyways.

Stopping there took about an hour delay. I walk out to my bike before I text Dylan back


Then dumb Dylan...

What's Omw?

I groan to myself

On my way

This is what I have to deal with

Okay, but will you tell me first?

I groan, ignoring his text and take off once again.

I take the old road out to Dylan's house. It was a nice relaxing drive. No cars were around, the sun was low but still bright, and the air smelled like early summer. As I focus on driving, everything seemed to be drown out. All I could hear was music stuck in my head.

I stop at a field and stare at the green crop coming up. It was breath taking. Even for a field it was beautiful. I look around and see a small hill followed by a valley. The sun was getting a little low but still bright enough to drive.

I spend about half an hour here then get back on my bike to head to Dylan's. I get a call from him, before taking off on my bike, I answer.

What Dylan?

Where are you?

On my way! I'll be there soon.

Okay hurry up bro, your surprise awaits! You'll be happy.

Okay if you shut up I'll get there sooner.

Then he hangs up.

I get on my bike and head back off. About five minutes something runs across the road in front of me. I carefully swerve and go on. Not three minutes later I hear birds.

Opening my eyes I see the starts, it starts to drizzle. What the heck? I go to get up, I can't move. Then the pain started coming, I slowly drift off again. I hear the ambulance in the distance.

Next time I open my eyes I want to just scream. I panic. "Calm down, it'll hurt worse." There was a paramedic holding a cloth over me to stop me from bleeding. There was so much blood I couldn't tell where it was coming from though.

We arrive at the emergency room a few minutes later. I start feeling faint, everything is rushing around me in a blur.

I pass out again.

Woah! What happened to Chase? How bad was the accident? What was Chase's surprise? Will he be okay?

See next chapter for answers to these questions! See you next time!! Don't be too mad ;)

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