Not again not ever

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*Rylie's PoV*

"No!" I scream. I slowly turn to my dad. I was never one for violence but this was taking it way too far. "You irritating, selfish, floundering, good-for-nothing, two faced, messed up, fowl, fish!" I was furious. "How could you ever do this to anyone! Grandma and grandpa raised you better! Do you have a heart, or a soul!" I was screaming at the top of my lungs, slowly able to back him up against a wall.

He was shocked, I had never blown up at my dad. The only thing I have ever done was blow him off. He leaned against the wall falling to a lump. "I...I...I..." He stutters, "No! You don't get to have a say in this! You killed MY boyfriend! You killed him!" I scream in his face. We are now millimeters away.

I take a moment to look over at the lifeless looking body that was once my boyfriend, he's...he's really gone? I felt tears rising up to my face. I had to end this, now and forever. I look at Mitch. His sympathetic face grows into a wicked smile. His eyes biding any fears be had right now. He pins me to the wall. "Little helpless aren't we?"

Quickly before he could do anything I look him in the eyes, "Not to a skinny white demon like you." I kick him in the knee bending it backwards, breaking it. I grab the gun away from him, I shoot. Something inside me pulled the gun away from his head though. At this point people would say it's because he's my dad, truthfully it was more or less that I'd rather see him miserably rotting in prison then a quick death. I ended up shooting him in the shoulder, he jumps up and chases me.

I jump back with a scream, shooting him in the leg, it barely slows him down. I shoot one last time. I hit his stomach. I walk over to him "Sorry Mitch, maybe if you had a heart I could've just shot that and not have you suffer." I get up and rush to the kitchen before rushing back to Chase's side.

I dial those three numbers no one should ever have to dial for something like this. "911 what's your emergency?" I was frozen for a few moments, it felt like hours. "Please do not prank call this helpline. Do you need help?" "Yes" I finally manage to croak out. "I need an ambulance ASAP. I have two people shot." With that the phone dies.

I stare at Chase. Tears are streaming out of my eyes now. I hold his hand wailing on the floor. I look over at the now lifeless body of my once father. How could he do this to me? I sat there holding Chase's hand, laying by his side. I notice something moving in him, something still living stirring around trying to heal him. He is still breathing. He is alive! I jump up at this, the ambulance pulling in right after my discovery. They rush in, putting Chase on a stretcher. I hop inside the ambulance. As they are getting everything strapped in I see them roll out a stretcher with a body bag, Mitch.

They close the doors and we are off, leaving this nightmare behind once and for all. The paramedic looks up to me. "Are you okay?" I uncover my leg, a bullet hole was showing. Blood started gushing out again. She gasps, "Oh my gosh why didn't you say something?" I look down at Chase and back up. "Take care of him please." Tears start down my face again, only trickling now. She nods, they unload his body and rush him into surgery.

I'm taken to a different part of the hospital. "Does it hurt?" The doctor snapped me back to reality, I didn't even notice that I was spacing off. I shook my head. "Are you sure" she starts, "you're crying an awful lot, and it is a bullet wound." I shake my head no before slipping back into my thoughts.

Was Chase going to be okay? I didn't know. Would I ever get to see him again? I don't know. Will I... I don't know! So many thoughts were filling my head it hurt. "This is all cleaned up now, but it will need stitches. I'll give you a shot so it won't hurt." Before it injects me I stop it, gripping her arm tightly without trying. I let go, shocked of what has come over me. "No, I won't feel it." She nods her head and starts the stitching process. I feel my eyes growing heavy before I slip into darkness.

We were getting ready for the wedding, it was only five minutes until. Beckett comes up from behind me, "Are you gonna make it champ?" I nod. "If I can make it from here to Chase I know that I will never have to worry about falling again. Even then I know he'd catch me." Beckett's eyes light up at this. "That's my bride."

I walk down the aisle, not tripping a single time. Everyone was there, and everything was so elegant and...perfect. I couldn't have wanted it any other way. After we say our vows we head off into the limo to the airport. We run inside, Chase is practically dragging me. "Come on! We don't wanna be late!" I chuckle, I didn't know where we were going for our honeymoon but I knew it would be magical.

We arrive at the docks and ride to our beach hut. It was on a little private island. We go inside and change, by the time we were done we head out for a swim. I don't really remember what happened after that, but I remember falling asleep. "Rylie" I hear someone whisper. "Rylie honey, wake up. Please baby wake up."

I giggle waking up. After my little blackout at the hospital, they put me in a bed. I fell off the table and got a minor concussion. I was out for a couple days from all the drugs. I lost a lot of blood from the wound. I look around through hazy eyes. "Where's that voice from? Who are you? Where are you even?"

Someone walks up from behind me and covers my eyes. "Guess who princess." was that? Are the chapters still going okay or are they falling apart? I feel like since I took a little break they may not be very good. It's also really frustrating because I'll write half a chapter then get writers block so...

Anyways, who is surprising Rylie? How is Chase? What does Rylie's mom do when she finds out? What will the police say?

Stay tuned into IMtBBGB and find out!!

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