Flash Back

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I wake up the next morning. I didn't remember falling asleep, weird. It took me a minute to remember where I was though, Chase's house. I got chills, the good ones at least. I go to sit up from the bed and feel something around my waist. Chase had me wrapped up in his arms, even in his sleep! He didn't notice me moving. I decide to stay and enjoy the feeling while it lasted.

I lay there for another hour in the silent house, listening to the birds outside. It was a warm spring day. Yup, that's right. I skipped Christmas and New Year's, nothing really happened...really.


It was a cool morning, there was very little snow on the ground. I woke up to Chase tapping on my window. "Merry Christmas princess!" He yells in. He hands me a box, "What's this?" I asked him. He rolls his eyes, a smirk ripping the corner of his lips apart. "It's your gift silly." I gasp, "But Chase! I didn't get you anything! I can't accept this." He sighs "Rylie, for once can you just bend your rules a little?" He sticks his bottom lip out at me. "No, it's not a rule either! It's what I am comfortable with." I wink and shut my window so he can't voice it to me.

Stubborn, I know, but I wasn't going to accept it since I didn't get him anything. He knew I'd feel too bad. He fake shivers from the window, I stick my tongue out at him and shut the curtains.

The doorbell rings two minutes later, if that's Chase I'm gonna flip. Sure enough it was him, but he left before I could open the door.

I open my door and sure enough the gift is sitting there. Why he did this? To torture me. I bring it in and open it, it was an empty box. Leave it up to him, there was a small card attached to the side.

Good for one free kiss ;)

Wow, what a player.

*New Year's Eve*

5...4...3...2...1...Happy New Year!!!

Chase and I watch the ball drop in New York. We stayed up for two years. We finally are so tired we pass out.

The next morning I wake up, Chase was on the floor. I don't really care to know why. I walk to the kitchen and make chocolate chip pancakes. Devin and my mom come downstairs when they finally smell the pancake sent bursting alive and dancing upstairs. Fixing a plate Devin looks out and sees Chase, he gives me a look. He's winking and doing kiss lips. I punch him, "Stop it Devin, we're not two anymore. Besides there is nothing between us." He gives me a fake confused look, "What? Oh that, I was just getting something out of my teeth."

Chase has woken up now, he is almost done eating when Josh wobbles down. "Look who finally woke up! Party too hard?" I ask, a smile tugging at my cheeks. He laughs "I guess, man I was out cold. You would've thought someone hit me with a brick." We all start laughing.

Beckett and Brad walk in the door. "Merry New Year!" We all scream. Beckett went on a cruise with Brad, it was their Christmas present from all of us. They yawn, say goodnight, and walk upstairs. You could hear them flop on the bed or floor and the didn't move the slightest for the longest time.

After we ate breakfast my mom left to work, I start setting up for my mini get together. The nine of us were having our own Christmas Party! We've hung out with the Boyz once or twice in the past few months, usually only one or two can make it so it's not the same, but this time everyone is coming and Chase and I are both super pumped!

I start the dinner and Chase starts "decorating". Before we know it everything is done with an hour to spare, all the food was on low heat or in the fridge. I go up to shower, Chase follows me to cut into his place and do the same.

I had music blasting in my room, it was okay because Beckett and Brad were up now. I didn't care if they were or not though, I'm a little evil. I was jamming out to my music when someone shuts it off, stupid boys. "Get out of my room!" I yell. It was just Beckett. "Rylie hurry up! I have an outfit picked out for you! And your makeup needs to be perfect! Along with your hair."

I moan as I jump out of my shower. I come out with only a towel on, Chase snuck in. I scream and run back into my bathroom, slamming my door. "Chase!" I squeal, "Get out!" "Sorry princess." He says then exits the room. I come back out, "Beckett, give me a little warning next time. Please?" He looks at his feet, "Sorry. I forgot." I look at the clothes on my bed. "Its beautiful Beckett, you can help with hair and makeup in a couple minutes." He nods and walks out.

I put on the outfit. A short, tight fitting, dusty blue-grey sparkly dress. It had an open back and lace sleeves. I put it on with black heels. Beckett came in and put on some blush, eye-shadow, eyeliner, and lipstick. "Done! Now let's go, the guys will be here any minute." I walk downstairs, Chase was greeting the guys. When they notice me they all smile.

They form around me giving me a big bear group hug. When they let go Chase's eyes met mine. He started blushing as a big smile grew across his face. "You look...wow." I smile "Thanks. You don't look too bad yourself." He tucks a piece of hair behind my ear, showing my bright shining earrings. He leans down when, "Let's eat!" Tyler calls out, of course it was Tyler.

Nothing out of the usual happened that night. We played games and sat in the hot tub. Watched movies ate and slept too. The only other thing, Chase wrapped his arms around me.

*Back to present*

Yup, that was the first time Chase wrapped me in his arms. (To be continued...)

Hey guys!! Okay don't be too mad at the end! I will continue and update soon! Probably within the next couple days!

Make sure and stay tuned for the April Fool's special bonus chapter! Again these have no effect on the book, but they are fun to read and I may mention them later in the book so make sure you read them!

Enjoy :)

And please no nasty comments about write more blah blah, I'm only human and I have plans outside of Wattpad (imagine that! I actually have a life ;)!)

See you next time!

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