Rainy Sorrow

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She comes running back. "No! I'm not leaving with them! I'd rather stay with you." She's sobbing. Something pulls her back, taking her away from me forever. What did I do to deserve this? The best thing that's ever happened to me was just drug away from me for the rest of my life. I tried chasing her but my limbs were numb. I could only cry.

I fell asleep for ten minutes and had this nightmare. The only difference was this was less painful, I knew this didn't happen. What happened in real life was far more painful.

I lay in bed, briefly looking over at my clock to see the time before staring at my ceiling once again. 3:00 my clock blinks. I wonder if Rylie's up still. I grab my phone, holding it unable to text her.

I miss her so much, the best thing that has ever happened to me is gone. She doesn't know if she's ever coming back, she obviously couldn't tell me. Why didn't I watch over her more closely? Maybe she would've still been with me, and I wouldn't be here staring at my ceiling for hours. I feel a wet tear shed and drip down my cheek. "Gross" I mutter, wiping my cheek.

I flip over and fall asleep. I wake up with my phone in my hand, I turn it on. It came up to an empty message board reading Rylie <3 across it. She put her own name and number in my phone, I just never changed it. Mostly because it's true. I didn't want to deal with school and people today. I decide there to skip.

I drive out to the barn and sit at the opening. It started to rain. Of course. How cute, not. Rylie would have loved it though. She always loved listening to the rain. I loved watching her. I dig out my phone. I text Rylie

Call me when you get a chance?

She calls shortly after. I answer

Me: Hello?

Rylie: Hey, you wanted to talk?

Where are you? Is it raining there too?

Yeah why?

Just wondering, are you coming back?

I...I don't know, I really...

I miss you too. Please come home Rylie, I miss you so much.

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