Water Park

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I wake up the next morning. I didn't remember falling asleep, weird. It took me a minute to remember where I was though, Chase's house. I got chills, the good ones at least. I go to sit up from the bed and feel something around my waist. Chase had me wrapped up in his arms, even in his sleep! He didn't notice me moving. I decide to stay and enjoy the feeling while it lasted.

I lay there for another hour in the silent house, listening to the birds outside. It was a warm spring day... Yup, that was the first time Chase wrapped me in his arms.

Smiling from this memory, I look over at Chase, he's waking up now. He stretches, chuckling. "Good morning." He rolls over, then pauses. Immediately he springs up out of the bed. "You and me, my bed. Oh my gosh! Did we sleep together? Were we high? Please tell me nothing happened!" He smacks his head on the wall. I start to laugh.

"We didn't sleep together, I don't even know how we ended up here. I don't remember last night, do you?" I ask. Looking into his mirror to see an awful face. Eww, was that me? Hopefully him, that perfect..I mean ugly ogre.

He sighs in relief, "Good." We get up and eat breakfast, silence was drowning us like we were tied down by awkwardness unable to breathe.

Everything started getting more and more awkward the more I realised I liked him. He was hot and Mr. Perfect, but he'd never date a flawed girl like me. Right?

Any who, it was 8 a.m. now. "I should probably head home soon." I say this straight faced. He pouts at me, "A while longer? Please!" He gives me puppy dog eyes. I give him a devilish smirk "You can always come over later." He winks back "You're hoping princess." I blush. How does he always make me blush?

I leave his house and hop in through my window, Devin was the only one home. And he wasn't up, late night with Josh I'd imagine. Feeling happy and generous, because of Chase, I sneak downstairs and make them breakfast. There was a note on the counter from my mom

Left with Chase's mom last night! Be home for dinner.
Love Mom

Cool, whole day to ourselves.

Sunday, last day of freedom before it's back to the prison with the flash froze slop. What to do? I walk for an hour or so and come home to Devin and Josh laying in our yard. It was getting sticky out from all the humidity, "Can we go to the water park?" Devin asks, Josh nodding along. I roll my eyes, Chase walks outside at that very moment. "You guys wanna go to the water park with me and the guys? The nine of us could all go!" Chase looks to me with a smile, looking me down he blushes. Devin and Josh agree. "What about Beckett and Brad? They are welcome to come." Chase says.

I call them, "They'll go" I tell Chase, "they want to just meet up there." He nods. "Okay princess you gotta get your suit on." Josh and Devin jump in out car "Meet you two there!" Great, they left me with bad boy fish kisser. I turn to Chase, he winks. I go inside to change when he stops me at the door.

"Rylie!" He yelled over. I turn and face him, "What?" "Wear something cute, I font want to be embarrassed." Then walks inside to his living room. The nerve of that boy!

I'll show him, I put on a navy blue and white bikini. He'll be jealous I'm not his. I put on a lace top and cut off shorts and heard out the door. I get outside and Chase is waiting on his motorcycle, "Come on cutie, you're riding with me." He smirks. Did he just call me hot? I think he just rehearsed this. I get on his bike and we leave.

We take a detoured way to the water park, I didn't want to I just wanted to get there. "Chase! Where are we going?" I yell up to him. He shrugs "I don't know where the water park is!" Right here guys, is a class A idiot.

We finally make it to the water park, we could only be here for a couple hours with everyone now. Well, I guess its better than nothing.

We decide to go down one of the slides, all together at once. No one said we were smart...

Our train went Brad, Beckett, Devin, Josh, Tyler, Dylan, Scott, me, and Chase. We all wrapped our arms around each other. Chase wrapped his arms around me, then hung them slightly lower wrapping his arms around me more and coming closer. It felt so, "Go!" We take off.

As we go down the water slide there was two ways you could split off, right or left. We all decide to go right, except Chase. We grabs my arms, lifting them from Scotts stomach, and pulls me left with him. It was just us now.

We were the only ones in this side now, it was like all else was silent. The world went mute disappearing around us. He stared into my eyes. "Rylie" he starts, "I need to confess something to you, I'm not sure when the right time is though." He scratches the back of his head. "What is it Chase?" He looked uneasy. "It's okay, it can wait." He looks at me then nods. He starts leaning in, he's closer now. Mere millimeters away now, our lips touch passing by the others. What was happening?! He slightly backs off.

He comes back closer now when all of a sudden "Whoooo!" Tyler crashes into us. We all get stuck in a human knot. Chase and I look at each other, blushing, then glare at Tyler. He chuckles "Sorry love birds." Chase looks at me, my cheeks grew hotter. Does that mean he likes me too?

Hey guys! How'd you like part two? I had to put them in a water park to cool down ;) get it? Cool down?? No...okay.

Well I'm updating more often now, wooo! Hope you like the book still and it's not making you cry of horribleness yet. If it is...I'm sorry and I'm not responsible for the cost of tissues ;)

See you all next chapter, things should start heating up ;)

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