Truck Stop

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*Chase's PoV*

I lean in to kiss her. I wasn't sure if she wanted to though. I lean in, our lips only millimeters apart. She looks at me with her sparkling eyes before she pushes me away a little.

"Chase" she starts, "are you sure you want to do this?" I stare into her eyes, gosh she's so perfect. "I'm positive Rylie."

I look an into her eyes, she was being drawn back by something, "You okay? You know you don't have to do this." She nods, "It can wait." I added. I swooped her up off her feet at kissed her cheek, then worked up to her forehead. "Welcome home princess."

After setting her down we start walking again. I'm gonna miss that, heck I already do! As we walk she turns to me, "What? What's wrong?" She giggles, "Nothing's wrong I was just wondering..." She trails off. I look at her confused, "Wondering..." She smiles turning towards me this time, "Wondering if your gonna grow up and hold my hand or if I have to hold yours first." She winks. As she walks away I grab her waist and lift her up, spinning her.

As we walk on she jumps up onto my back, she's a twig so light and thin. Delicate. I carry her with a grin, this is my girl now. Finally and forever a part of me, the better part of me.

We were walking home now, it was dark. The street lights above us set the perfect mood. I loved living in the country, but I was adventurous. I liked to roam the streets at 3 a.m. and have the gentle glow from a street lamp.

As we walk I take the advantage to look at Rylie. She was wearing her Hollister sweatshirt, not tight or loose it fit her just perfect. She had on black leggings and her bright white converse. She topped it off with a blue beanie over her loose French braided hair. Her eye liner was coated over gold sparkly eye shadow. She looks up "What? Do I look awful, am I all sweaty?" She laughs knowing she's not sweaty. "No" I start, "I've never seen someone more perfect." She blushes, "Well besides an ogre." I add on. She shoves me playfully, then pulls me back in holding me close.

The next day we didn't see much of each other. The guys came over and wanted to "hang out" aka make fun of me and in the end saying "Nice going dude!" Which is exactly what Tyler said. That night though, I did see her and we got to be alone.

I saw her down in the hot tub after hearing some noise. I quietly open my window to hear the noise, it was music. Only it wasn't just music, Rylie was singing. The sweet sound was smooth and calming...

We were both young when I first saw you
I close my eyes and the flash back starts
I'm standing there...on a balcony in summer air
See the lights see the party the ball gowns
See you make your way through the crowd and say hello
Little did I know

I interrupt the Anthem lights solo here...

That I was Romeo you were throwing pebbles

She joins in for a duet

And my/your daddy said stay away from Juliet

She cuts off

You are everything to me imma beggin you please don't go
Cuz you belong with me.

During our singing thing I had snuck down to her. After my last two lines of the song, with a little of my own wording, I was face to face with her.

I held her tight to me, my chest against hers, she was really cute in her bikini. "Mind if I join you, Juliet?" I wink. She blushes and nods, practically crying. "Don't cry Rylie." I tell her.

She looks back "I just can't believe how I got so lucky." She's in the hot tub laying against my chest, we are watching the stars. She looks up, "Hey, we should try something." I raise an eyebrow, "And that something is...?" She smirks, "We grab a hand full of blankets and a couple pillows, then lay out in the bed of a truck and stargaze all night long." I smile. I like where this is going.

"Pillows and blankets are loaded! Let's go!" I'm kind of excited now. Rylie hops in the passenger seat. "Where do you wt to stargaze at dear?" She blushes biting her lip and twirling her hair, " about the barn." She's smiling now. "Perfect" I say, "just like you."

We drive out to the barn, after getting everything situated we crawl in back and start to stargaze. It doesn't take long before Rylie is yawning. I wrap her in my arms, she's freezing cold. I quickly take off my sweatshirt and wrap it around her tucking her into a blanket soon after. She looks up before scooting closer cuddling with me. "This is all too perfect" she says, "does that mean its meant to be or not meant to be?" I look at her, "Honestly babe, I don't know. But I do know that nothing will stand in the way of me being with you for the rest of my life.

She cuddles in closer, "I love you." She whispers, falling fast asleep in my arms. Could this be an more perfect?

I lay watching the stars for awhile. I see a shooting star. Thinking fast of a wish I look down and see the angel next to me, fast asleep in her own dreamland. I have everything I could ever need.

When we wake up the next morning there was a car parked in the driveway, I push Rylie into the truck and go look around to investigate. It was weird, no one seemed to be around or have even gotten out of the truck.

After looking around the barn more intensely, I hear a scream. Rylie!

❤A/N is it? Is it just amazing or not? What do you think of Chase and Rylie? Who or what brought the strange truck here, will it/they be dangerous?

Stay tuned and find out next chapter :)

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