Kissing in the Dark

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We make it through a painfully boring day at school. Chase comes over after school, he gets to my house even before me! "You act like you own the place." I say this with a smirk. He wonders to the kitchen. "So?" He seemed upset. "Something wrong?"

He gives me a glare. "You're to dang cute, okay?" What? Did he actually have feelings for me?! "Umm..." "Can we speak in private?" He asks, just then did it dawn on me Devin was standing in the living room eyeing us. Cute he mouths to me, "Let's go to my room." We go upstairs. He flops down on my bed, face down. I sit on a stool. "What's up?" He pauses for a moment before turning his head to look at me. "Do you like me?" He asks. That caught me way off guard. I hadn't really ever thought about it. "Well?" I had been staring for a while thinking. I don't know.

"Oh" he says this with a sigh. I return with a flush face. "Do you like me?" He turns facing the window before sitting up. "Baby" he says this slowly. "If it was up to me, I'd have you sayin I do in a heart beat." I stare out the window right along with him. You would think at this point things would he awkward, but it was totally okay between us. It had to come out eventually, why not now? "So then a yes?" I stare at the back of his head blankly. He moans "A definitely yes." He turns and smirks standing up and grabbing my arm. "How bout a ride princess?" I stand up and follow.

We end up at the barn. He grabs me off his bike and carries me in. He pulls me over him giving me a piggy back ride. I was slipping off as he walked. Placing his hands over my butt, I lean in closer. Maybe I am falling for this bad boy. He drops me at the doors, he pulls them almost shut behind us. "Isn't someone going to see us?" "No, this place is abandoned." He smiles. Stepping in closer he grabs my waist, he leans in closer. We brush noses and he stops. He stops to pull a piece of hair out of my face, "Are you ready?" I blush and he comes on hard. Kissing me in the middle of a barn.

Our lips move in sync, I follow his lead. He pushed me further and further back until I hit a wall, we move as one. He pulls my jacket off. Grabbing my butt he lifts me up, I wrap my legs around his waist. We looked up and take a break for a moment. "Enjoying yourself?" He asks. "You know it bad boy." We exchange a smirk before going back to kissing. My body felt like I was drowning in fire. I was numb from head to toe. It was like magic.

He sets me down on a pile of hay, we kiss until we can't breath again. Flopping off to our sides we pant, meeting each others eyes. We are both speechless, we start laughing. "Rylie" Chase begins. "I think..." He trails off. "Are you going to say what I think your going to say?" He smiles. "You look like an ogre? Yes" I roll my eyes. Typical Chase. "So you've upgraded from being a fish kisser to kissing an ogre?" He kisses my cheek ever so slightly. "No, a beautiful ogre."

"Chase" I say breaking the silence between us walking out of the barn, "what were you going to say earlier?" He looks down at me, boy do his eyes shine bright. "I love you Rylie Hanson. I want to be with you for the rest of my life. For the rest of out lives."

I started to cry. Was he serious? "You just made me the happiest girl in the world Chase." I say this, crying into his chest. "I'm sorry I'm making your shirt yet." I say through my tears of joy. "He smiles running his fingers through my hair. "It's okay my little girl, my shirt can survive a couple tears." I look up, "Hopefully a little make up too." He chuckles wiping away my tears, "You ain't wearing any doll face. Now then, you wanna skip school tomorrow? We could stay here all night. Or head back to my place." He tugs at my sleeve playfully, winking at me. "How bout we go to my place so I can shower?" I say feeling slightly chilled from being sweaty. "Okay" he starts "only if I can stay in the room with you." "You're so funny." I say this getting on his bike to leave.
He starts it, half way home it breaks down. We sit in the ditch under a full moon along a dirt road, so romantic.

"Hey baby guess what." "What?" I say, seeing his beautiful face. Right then and there I knew I wanted to spend my life with this boy. "I love you to the moon and back." I smile. "You won't for long." I comment back. "And why not?" "Because I'm secretly a werewolf." I say this seriously. "Awoo" I fake howl. He slightly laughs. "This is how I know I love you. You smile even in the darkest moments." He leans down and kisses my forehead.

And then it goes off.


I hit snooze. It was all just a dream. This was the first time I had ever had an intense dream about me and Chase. Did I like him?


Whoh! Surprise twist of events ;) I hope you guys aren't left hanging for too long.

So what's up with that dream?! Does Rylie like Chase? Does he like her? What will happen at school that day? How will this change their fate?

Leave comments and find out next chapter!! Have a fantastic night's sleep ;)

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