Hospital Rooms

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All at once the Boyz come rushing downstairs laughing at me and Chase. "Chase" Tyler starts in "the is no need to start the day off with so much action. We get it you think your a hunk, but the rest of us would rather eat pancakes then watching you two all morning." I flash slight pink across my cheeks. Josh and Devin are still sleeping, no one knows what Beckett is doing or trying to do. Dylan mentioned that he had a phone call he had to take. Anyways I grab out plates and dish them up some grub. They all eat a healthy portion before they speak even one word. They all look up at each other and smile, then look back at me. "This is good Rylie, we are going to stay for lunch too." Whatever, I just shrugged. Do they think I care? Well I do, but we all know I'm not getting a say in this. "Burgers it is!" I reply with a smirk. I'm kinda liking having the Boyz around all the time. It's nice company and we never have a boring time, I feel a disturbingly happy feeling when I am with them.

Beckett comes downstairs with a pale white face, he looks on the edge of bursting into tears. I pull him aside, "Come on, let's go." I whisper feeling his sudden shocked and horrified mood. "If you'll excuse us Boyz, we have to go pick up some groceries. Please clean up after yourselves, if you need anything Josh and Devin are upstairs." Beckett was waiting by the door already. "Do you feel okay?" He shakes his head slightly to show his disagreement. A short drive later we arrive to our secret spot. We walk along the beach to a log, we use as a bench. "Beckett" I start in slowly after a long pause of awkward silence. "Beckett...what's wrong?" He looks nervously at his feet. "I know you don't like to talk bout this kind of stuff" he begins stronger and grows weak. "Its my mother. She's... She's........" He trails off. "She had been diagnosed with a mild pneumonia, they had to put her in the hospital last night. They don't expect her to make it through the night." Poor Molly (Beckett's mom), poor Beckett! How could something like this happen to such a good person?! Its not fair, life isn't fair. He bursts into tears at this moment, "I'll go with you to visit. I know it's hard on you.

We head off for the hospital. The drive was long and silent, so I turned on some music. We started jamming out to the music and being stupid, as always. The closer we got the more Beckett had his mom off his mind. When the hospital was visible, all went silent. The car noise seemed to be fogged over by something, everything around us felt well...invisible.

We pull into the parking lot of the hospital, Beckett turns white. "You don't have to do this for me Rylie." I look at him, he tears up. "Beckett, when have I ever not been here for you? Siblings gotta stick together right? Besides, she's like a mother to me too. I'm going with you." He let's a small smile escape before a tear rolls down his rosy pink cheek. At this point, all I wanted to do is break down and sob for Beckett and suffering Molly, but I know I have to be strong for both of them. "Let's go Beckett, I'm sure your mom would love to see her baby. If your not ready quite yet we'll stop by the gift shop." He looks down at his hands, "What if I'm not ready?" Tears falling faster now. I look at him fighting hard to barricade my flood gates. "I wouldn't make you go," I said softly, "but I know you will regret it in the future." I go to start the car again. He sets his hand over mine stopping me. "Promise me you'll be by my side the whole way." I let a tear escape slowly trying to not cry any more than that. "I will by your side even when we are six feet under. I promise I will pick up all tour broken pieces, always." He let's a small smile escape through the tears. I look into his eyes, you can see his pain.

We enter the hospital, "Do you want to stop at the gift shop?" He seems uneasy. He nods his head in agreement, you can see the tears forming again. "It'll be okay, Beckett, I'm here for you." I give him a reassuring smile. Why Beckett? Why Molly? Why a perfectly happy mother and son? The world sucks, wouldn't you agree?

After Beckett buys a bracelet and charm for his mom we go up to her room. She's sleeping when we walk in. He sets the bracelet by her and sits in a love seat, not far from the bed side. "Sit next to me?" He asks with tears streaming down his eyes. I sit down next to him. Holding him, comforting him, and being there was all that I could do. To be honest, I'm glad I was here for him but I wish I wasn't. It broke my heart to see him like this, I hated it. I couldn't help but cry too, I had never seen him this upset. Molly was all Beckett had left, she has been there for him through everything. His dad left when he was young, that's what keeps him and his mom tied so close. They are all each other has.

Beckett finally falls asleep, Molly's still sleeping. I slowly get up out of the chair to go to the bathroom. I left Beckett my sweatshirt so he knows I'll be back, it's a long story that I'm to tired to explain right now. I walk to the bathroom down the hallway so I don't disturb Molly or Beckett. When I come back they are still sleeping. When I sat back down Beckett woke up. "Did she wake up?" I felt awful telling him no. "No still sleeping." He falls back asleep.

It was now 6 a.m. Molly woke up, Beckett and I were both up. We sat there and talked. She was really weak, and pale. She looked like death. Why does this have to happen to them?

My brother called me.

Devin: Where are you?! We are all worried sick!!

Me: I'm with Beckett, something happened and I can't leave him. Not like this. I will be back soon. Don't say ANYTHING outrageous to him or I will make you miserable. Got it?

Devin: Let me know if anything happens. We are here if he needs a hand with anything. Love you, tell Beckett we love him too. Bye.

Me: Love you too. Bye.

We hang up. I started walking back. I see Beckett run out of the room "HELP!!" I dash to the room and look in. Nurses and doctors are holding Beckett back while trying to help Molly. I grab Beckett and bring him outside of the room...


Like the chapter? Hope I didn't make you all hate me ;)

See you all next time!!! Comment your ideas for what should happen in the story!!!

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