Short Story Essay

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All of the teachers announced today that Beckett, Devin, and Rylie were no longer going to school here. I felt alone right now. I couldn't talk to the guys about it because, well, guys don't talk about there feelings. They'd be making fun of me if I did.

Sitting in class I stare at the clock...tick...tock...tick...tock. The time slowed down so I decide to do some work. Our English assignment was to write a short story in poem form. For extra credit the short story could contain a hidden message/advice. I never really was a writer, but it's worth a lot of points. At least the teacher doesn't care whether it's good or not.

I walk in the door thinking about what I could do for my story. I make some coffee while thinking. That's right, coffee. Ever since Rylie has left I can't seem to put it down. It's like it draws me closer to her or something.

I sit and stare blankly out my window into Rylie's empty dark room. That's it! I can tell her what I've been wanting to. When I see her next she'll see it and read it. Maybe then she will finally understand.

That's it! I start writing. I work on it until I'm finished. My pencil flowing like a river, fast even when it's at its slowest point. The words seem to be pouring out of me. This never happens, I mist really love her. She probably doesn't like me back though. I don't care anymore, I've gotta come out of my shell. No more holding back.

I fall asleep that night feeling more accomplished then I should have. I wrote a short story with a hidden message explaining my story to Rylie. My deepest secrets are on that paper, I hope these won't be read in class.

I was always so jealous of Rylie's writing talents. She wrote little stories all the time, I love to read them. Not only are they pretty good, but she puts a little bit of herself in every one. I get to find out something new about her every time I read her stories.

The next day in class I hand my teacher my story. "Thank you Chase." I nod. Walking out the door as the bell rings. Thank gosh she isn't reading them in class!

I leave to my motorcycle in the parking lot. I saw the guys perched around it, waiting for me to approach them like a hungry fish. I walk over slowly, waiting to be ambushed. Tyler sees me, "We are going to spend more time together. We know you're upset about Rylie, since your mom isn't around much we are hanging out." That was a jumbled slur of words, then again it's Tyler.

I nod my head, getting on my bike to leave. I put my helmet on, "See you at your house!" Scott yells back. Dylan looks at me and leans down whispering, "We miss her too man. I can't imagine how you feel." Then walks to there car to drive to my house. I roll my eyes shaking off what he just said. Gosh I hate the guys sometime, but they mean no harm I guess.

We all meet up back at my house. I head upstairs to change, I look into Rylie's room one last time before walking out. Before I turn the knob on my door I glance at my calendar. It was exactly one month before Rylie's birthday. Please come back to me Rylie, I want to spend your birthday with you.

I feel like someone has just set a heavy weight over me, just then the boys walk in. Well, burst through the door then slammed it shut screaming at each other. Stay strong, she'll be back.

I go downstairs and we all hang out, they spend the night. We all stay up until 2 a.m. even though we had school. Who cares, no one likes school. It's like a prison with flash frozen slop, if you let me quote Rylie anyways.

The next day I didn't want to go to school, but I did. As long as I had the guys I was okay. It was a pretty slow day actually, nothing too interesting happened.

English, the last period of the day. The teacher comes in as the bell goes off. "Little bit of a schedule change today class" she looks like she's been crying, "today we are gonna read a short story one of your classmates has written. I am going to read it anonymous, they can speak up if they wish." Oh gosh.

She begins, of course it's mine. She was practically tearing up. I don't get it, it wasn't even that good. I sit there blushing. As I look around the class almost every girl is in tears, even some guys are choking up! What the heck?!

Sorry for the short chapter guys! The next chapter is going to be Chase's story. See if you can understand the hidden messages, and I'm sorry if it takes a while! I have no idea how long it's gonna end up being.

Again sorry this is short! Don't get too mad.

See you when we return in two chapters!!! :)

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