Chill Down Princess!

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The next night I was laying in my bed listening to The Cab when I heard a small tap at my window. I froze, not knowing what to do I ran downstairs. I grabbed the axe by the fireplace for a weapon, it was covered in ash. I heard someone enter the house, they paused in my room. Was it Chase? I slowly crept up the stairs with a firm grip on the axe. I left the door slightly cracked open, I peer through the small stream of light. At that moment I realised two things, how dusty my room is and Chase was standing there with another note in his hand. I hear a small gasp escape from my mouth. I clasp my hand over my mouth and freeze, starring at the new boy standing in my room. He hears my gasp and looks straight into my eyes. With a smirk painted across his face he drops the note on my bed and jumps out the window. I run over to see if he's hurt. Standing on his balcony, he turns to smile and goes through the window into his room.

I drop the axe and let out a small breath I didn't know I was holding. I jumped into the shower to calm my nerves.

Getting out of the shower, I had forgotten about the note on my bed. About ready to flop down and pass out, I see it. The small, crumpled piece of notebook paper. Holding it in my hand, all my nerves came back like flood waters.

As I start to open it butterflies come into my stomach. Not those cute fluttery romantic ones either, those really ugly butterflies that make you feel like something bad is about to happen. I wanted to throw up. As I open it I feel slightly dizzy, falling at the foot of my bed. What was happening to me?!

I start opening the note. The ink is just starting to come into view and it happens, I throw up. After a slight moment of recovery the blurry ink becomes crystal clear. Forget something princess?

Crap! I had forgotten ALL about him wanting to talk. I walk over to my balcony. As I open the door a warm breeze fills the room. "Chase!" I yell in a slightly muffled scream. He was already in bed. Don't worry I'm not a stalker, his window was open. Let's just say he's a really loud snorer.

Sunday. The last day of the weekend. I got together with Beckett, told him about the next note. "Princess?! Who does he think he is messing with my sister?! Imma have to kick the boy's..." I interrupt him quickly. "Beckett! Calm down, I'm sure he's just joking around." "Well still! Who does he think he is calling you princess even as a joke?!" You can practically see the rage in his eyes. "A bad boy" I reply with a smirk. Beckett knows how much I love a bad boy, if you know what I mean. "I'm just kidding, Beckett. Chill down."

We bounce back and forth between the kitchen and the living room. I had Teen Wolf playing, even though Beckett refused to let me watch. He preferred to talk. We were having an argument on who looks better in skinny jeans, Beckett looked over with a smile. "Obviously me. I have a better butt, and my olive tanned skin works perfectly with light or dark jeans." That boy always has a perfect answer for everything.


Hey y'all! Sorry this chapter is sooo short! I will try to update once a week and the chapters will be picking up length.

Please please please comment on how you think it's going! I am also looking for ideas on what could happen in the story, I love to get you guys involved!

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