Hit Snooze Already!

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Really, I do. I will always be here for you and I will always care. No one can ever change that. Chase, Tyler, and I all went out to see a play. It was written by friend of Dylan's friend's girlfriend. Yes, it was confuzing. No, we didn't really want to go. No, we got free tickets. It was really boring, especially without Scott and Dylan there. Chase and I managed to make jokes the whole time. Tyler fell asleep. It was a good play, well written, but not my type of play.

After the play was done we go to Chase's house. The principal had given us a one day pass from all classes since we were supporting a "friend". "Party at Chase's!" We stayed up most of the night playing games. We played bowling on the Wii. It was all fun and games until Tyler threw the remote showing off, he cracked the end of it on the ceiling. No more Wii bowling for him. He sprained his ankle doing it too, but not enough for crutches. He didn't even walk with a limp.

The next day we went to the beach. "Let's try this again. Maybe you won't pass out this time?" I hate Dylan's smart comments. For the most part I can't argue though. We had a fun day. The Boyz tried to teach me how to wakeboard. It was okay until they took me through the reeds. One whipped me in the face, slicing my cheek. I called quits after that. We went to the smoothie bar. They were so good I could've drank them all day!

It was starting to get dark, and even though night volleyball was the best to play we did still have school in the morning. "Ugh!" Chase groans. "I was just enjoying this day and now it's over!" I turn to him. "Well I had fun. The view wasn't anything spectacular but it was okay. Maybe it would've been better if there were some hot guys there." I smirk playfully at Chase and Tyler. "Maybe" Chase starts "Maybe, if there were some hot chicks to pick up I would've enjoyed myself more." "Oh there was" I laugh "your just to blind to see her." Chase sarcastically answers "No, I don't even see a girl there. Only a ogre with an ugly butt." Excuse him? I have a nice butt, he's just jealous he can't have it. Wait, did I just say that out loud? "Yes you did." Tyler answers. Oops.

When we get home I run upstairs and change right away. "Puttin' on a show are we?" Chase hollers up from his window. I guess I forgot to shut my curtains. I had a sweater on, but no shorts yet. "In your dreams!" I say playfully. "Nice undies." He slips under his breath loud enough for me to hear. "They're my bikini bottoms actually, of course you would know. After all you were checking out my butt on the beach, stop me if I'm wrong." He blushes slightly. "That's what I thought." I shut my blinds and change into shorts.

It was getting late now and I wasn't ready for the day to be over. "Chase!" I yell down, muffling my scream so no one else hears. "What, princess?" He yells back up. "Wanna come up?" Before I can suggest a list of things to do he hops up to the balcony. "I thought you'd never ask." He flops down on my bed. "So" he begins, "what are we gonna do?" I thought for a moment. "Wanna watch a movie?" He looks over. "What movie?" "Whatever you want." He thinks for several minutes. "How about Finding Nemo?" I dig it out and pop it in. Soon the glow of blue comes up on the screen. We both fell asleep before the end of the movie.

It was the middle of the night when I felt it. Someone was holding my waist, I look over my shoulder. Chase and I both fell asleep before the movie was done. He never went home, he was in my bed. I was in it next to him! I didn't know what to do. I just sat there still and motionless. Something about it gave me butterflies. I couldn't describe it. I fall back asleep.


Where's the snooze button?! Where's the clock? On the other side of the bed next to Chase, of course. "Chase, hit the snooze." I say this with a raspy voice. Makes sense with not talking for nine hours. "Chase!" I nudge him. He falls out of the bed onto the floor. "What?" He sits straight up, not really realising what happened. "Hit snooze." I say one last time. It took him what felt like hours to shut it off, it was more like two minutes. He hits snooze and crawls back into the bed. He wraps his arms around me. "How'd you sleep princess?" Before I could even think about answering we both fall back asleep.

"Come on Chase! We are gonna be late." Tyler whines putting his last shoe on his foot. "Yah Chase, even I'm ready and I'm a girl." He groans to this. "Calm down you two, you act like school is worth it." "Be happy Chase" I say, "Tyler agreed to give us a ride to school." Tyler butts in, "Are you two love birds ready yet?" We look at each other. "We aren't love birds" Chase says, "we are just friends." Tyler smirks, "Then why did you two sleep in he same bed. Chase why did you cuddle with her?" Chase shrugs not knowing what Tyler is talking about. I blush "Let's go I don't want to be late, school may not be worth it but detention is."


Does Chase have secret feelings for Rylie? Did he think he was with another girl? Will anybody else find out? How did Tyler find out? Comment your ideas!!

Excited for next chapter? Me too! You know why? I just love the book!

Also sorry for all the mistakes I probably have. As you know I'm really awful at proof reading! So sorry!! ;) I try.

See you all next chapter :)

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