White Lace Roses

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Chase got to come home 2 days before my birthday. He only had minor bruising. All he has is a cut up lip and a slightly swollen eye. I wake up the day before my birthday. My mom takes us out since she hadn't seen us for so long, we didn't tell her we were leaving. I felt kinda bad, but she wasn't mad. She said she would've don't the same thing.

I told her about Chase, she freaked out. "My little girl is growing up so fast!" She squeals, she decides to take me shopping. My mom gets me eight new spring dresses, she's really digging the whole Chase and Rylie thing.

After shopping I go home, Devin had left a long time ago so my mom and I could have quality "girl time". While we were gone he made burgers, I walk in the door. "Devin! I didn't know you could cook." He smiles, "Haha little sis. You're so funny." I stick my tongue out at him.

I go up to my room and shower. When I step out I heard a little creek, not thinking anything of it I dress. I put on a pair of new shorts my mother picked out for me, black skin-tight booty shorts... Of course she would! I put on a hoodie and called it good.

As I walk out, I notice something on my nightstand, it was my ring and a note.

Welcome home princess :)

He's so thoughtful, it was so cute. I hop over to his balcony. He opens the window, "I was wondering when you'd find that. Looking pretty hot there princess." I blushed. "Can I come in?" He answers with a quick gesture. I sit at the edge of his bed.

"We need to talk" I start. Not knowing how to continue I trail off. He sits next to me, reaching over and picking my head up to meet his eyes. "I know what your gonna say Rylie. To be honest, I don't know what we are. Where we stand, but I know where I want to be." He smiles, his sweet look overwhelms me with joy.

I shoot back with a devilish smirk, "Where do you wanna be handsome?" He gets up off the edge of the bed, grabs a little box, and gets down on one knee. "Will you go out with me Rylie Hanson?" I feel a tear of joy rush down my face. I nod, "Of course!" He smiles, kissing my forehead. Holding me close in his arms again, he whispers in my ear, "I hope you like it princess."

I open the little box to find a silver infinity necklace with little jewels. I hug him, "Thank you." He chuckles lightly, "Happy early birthday princess."

I spend the night with him that night. We snuck up to my room though, I had a comfy bed unlike him. Actually his was nicer but mine had more blankets and pillows. Even though it was summer already I used blankets, it was a comfort thing.

Chase wrapped his arms around my waist, that was my comfort for the night. No blanket needed. "Rylie" he looks down, "I know it may seem too early to say I love you..." I cut him off, "It's not too early, I really love you Chase. I really really do." He looks back and returns the giant smile I had on my face unknowingly.

I put in a movie, "What movie?" I asked thinking he'd pick Rose Red or something but no. "How about this?" I go along, then the main menu pops up. Finding Nemo. I grin, "Yes yes and yes."

We watch this and then Shrek. We both fell asleep watching Shrek. That's okay, Nemo was way better anyways. It meant the most between me and Chase.

I wake up the next morning, I turn to find Chase laying there smiling at me. "You're such a pretty ogre in the morning." I stick my tongue out playfully before commenting, burning fire with fire. "Aren't we being the the most noble DONKEY of them all." He chuckles, "Okay, okay Farquad. You rule the land walking on your stubby little legs." I laugh and get up, going to my bathroom to freshen up a bit.

After a shower and a little make up I come back out to Chase still on my bed, sleeping. I kiss his cheek, "Wakey wakey! The birthday girl is going to ditch you." He opens his eyes, "Right behind you doll face." I blush, smiling to his sweet comment. It's kinda fun dating the boy next door.

We walk to the park, I was wearing a white ace dress with pink flowers, my ring and necklace, and bright white sandals. My hair was curled with a white lace headband holding it away from my face (mostly) and I had smokey eyes. Matching very well with the flowers was my bright pink lipstick.

While on our walk we went past a flower shop, Chase ran inside "Be right back!" I stand on the curb waiting. He comes back out with a single white rose, he puts it in my ear tucking a piece of hair behind as well. "There, now you're even more perfect." I bring my hand to my face to cover my smile, showing off my new French tips.

As we walk down the long walk path behind the park in the woods Chase grabs my hand. Our hands wove perfectly, it seems as though our hands were once joined and now are back together as the perfect match they once were.

He stops under a blooming orchard, turning to me he cups my cheek. He looks into my eyes, our lips were an inch away now. "Rylie, you are my other half. My better, brightest half." I smile to this.

He leans in close...closer...closer... We are now mere millimeters away.

Woah! Will they kiss? How do you think they are doing? Will moving so fast ruin it all or will it feel so right they take it a step further?

Find out as IMtBBGB continues!!! :)

Also still need ship name ideas!! ;)

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