Finding Rylie

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*Chase's PoV*

I get to school the morning after my nightmare. Rylie seemed upset about something. I walk over "Hey princess." I say and smirk. She glares at me "What do you want Chase?" She asks. Did I do something? Do I smell funny? "No" I reply, scratching the back of my head. This was really awkward. I think I do like her, why would this be awkward? We do this all the time! "Well I'm sorry Chase, I'm not really in the mood." You could see a slight pit of pain in her eyes.

She starts walking away. I grab her arm and spin her around, she's now inches from me. I stare down into her eyes, "What's wrong?" I sound so concerned it even took me by surprise. I didn't let it show, I was too worried about her. She holds back her tears "Nothing."

I turn furious on the inside, but didn't let it show. I wasn't really showing any emotion. Not when she was this way, I'd end up hurting her again. The last thing I wanted to do is hurt her...again.

I walk to a janitor's closet and lock the door behind us. She sheds a tear, thinking I don't notice. My heart is broken yet again. Yup, definitely like her. I hold her hand to comfort her. "You can trust me." I say. Now a tear drips down her face. Gosh she's beautiful, her slightly tanned fair skin, bright perky eyes, the perfect smokey eye with eyeliner was unnecessary she's beautiful without it. She doesn't deserve anything that made her cry like this.

I find myself shedding a tear, she perks up a bit "Are you crying?" She asks, with a slight chuckle. "No" I defend, "these chemicals are burning my eyes." I chuckle with this to cheer her up. Then the floodgates open, letting all pain ooze out of her.

I wrap her up tight in my arms. Holding her close. "Shhhh, its okay princess. I promise you I'm here, always and for good." She grabs my shirt and starts to fall to the ground. Its like everything in her went numb. What could make her like this?

I follow her and sit on the ground, holding her close in my bear hug grip. The tears start to recede. "What happened?" I ask. She looks up at me. Digging out her phone she let's go of my shirt. Its wet and I know if she wasn't so upset she'd say sorry, she's cute that way. She starts sniffling more, like she read my mind. She looks at me apologetically. "It's okay. Its just a shirt." I say chuckling. She smiles a bit and hands me her phone.

Messages from her dad...

From Mitch: Hey baby! I'm coming to see you. Don't tell mom she can't know. I'm taking you with me too! Can't wait!! Love you baby, see you soon!

I wanted to chuck her phone at a wall. How could he do this to her?

"Chase" she starts, "I'm scared. I don't trust my dad. I can't ever again." She cries slightly harder. "I'll steal you away when he comes. You can stay with me. We'll sneak out to the barn." "Th...the b..b..barn?" She asks concerned. "Or wherever you want." I look frowning a little. What's wrong with the barn? "No its great." She pauses for a minute before looking back at me. Gosh I hate seeing her hurt, "What about my mom and brother, and Beckett?! What if he hurts them?" She bites her lip staring down at her feet, she always does that when she's nervous. She doesn't notice herself biting her lip though. "My mom and I will take you all 'out' that night. We'll stay out late."

She hugs me, "Thank you" she whispers. We stayed there all day. I held her in my arms the whole dang time too. She would occasionally fall asleep off and on.

I look down at her as school is almost done "You wanna come over? I'll make your favorite treat." I say this smiling. She nods returning a gentle smile. We sneak out of the closet and out of school.

We were almost back home and I notice she's looking at her feet again, feeling awkward. "Hey" I say quick, "wanna know something?" "Sure" she says. She is a girl of few words. "You snore when you sleep. And it's totally hot." I wink at her. She blushes and smiles. "I know, I'm a living breathing ogre." I laugh snorting a little. Luckily she didn't notice.

We pull into my drive way. I hated this dreary place, my mother always being gone and having no one around. That's why I'm always with Rylie. Anyways...we pull in and she hops out. She waits for me to go up to the door before she comes up. I suppose she felt awkward with being here only a couple times, and my mother (as usual) wasn't home.

"It's okay" I reassured her as she walked through, starring down at her feet and biting her lip, "I won't pull anything funny." She looks up smiling, "I trust you Chase, I'm not that low." She throws some sarcasm my way, this is a tell she's feeling better and safer already.

"Wanna watch a movie? Your choice." She smiles nodding lightly. Tucking a piece of hair behind her ear, I just noticed she changed her earrings, she has a double piercing. The perfect little ears for it too. I didn't say anything though, that would've made things awkward.

I scratch behind my head. "What?" She asks, her honey sweet words knocking me out of my thoughts. "What what?" I ask totally confused, not gonna lie or sugar coat it. She giggles a little "You only scratch your head when your nervous, why are you nervous? Is it because you have a pretty girl over?" Yes. "No." Nope, a hot one. Stop Chase's brain, your getting annoying. Okay so I talk to myself a little bit.

I blush and walk upstairs to change. I debate, what would impress Rylie yet make it seeen like I'm not trying? Oh my gosh I sound like a girl! Forget this. I change into something cool, calm, and comfortable. "Dang! I'm a hot mess." I look into the mirror quickly before heading back down. Something catches mW off guard after talking to myself in the mirror. "Can you stop talk to yourself and help me pick out a movie?!" Rylie. Wait, she can hear me?

"Coming my little princess!" I yell back down. I can feel her roll her eyes from here. She found our movie cabinet, mind you its labeled Movies, and was digging through. She pulls out Finding Nemo. She smiles giving me puppy dog eyes. "Okay" I say "but don't you dare tell anyone."


Hey guys!! Sorry this chapter is a little long I have so many more ideas for their movie! It'll be the next chapter ;) maybe...

See you next chapter!!! :)

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