Concussion with a Side of Pancakes

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Chase tried blending in with the crowd the next day at school. I guess I hurt his big ego. Ok I may have hurt big head too. Chase came into my room last night to return my ring I dropped on the ground at the park. I was blow drying my hair before hoping into bed for my daily beauty rest, does waking up with drool making you feel like you have your head in a sink of dish water count as beauty sleep? Anyways, I heard something hitting my bathroom door. I open it and he's standing there in the doorway on one knee looking up and asking "Will you marry me?" Before he could laugh to long I chucked my blow dryer in his face, and kind of left giant bruises around the burn marks the fan left. Oops.

Chase's plan of hiding his face worked perfectly, until gym. He tried to go unseen but when you have bruises and burn marks around your eye and hair line, it's just a little noticeable. I feel kind of bad but hey, the idiot broke into my room to return something he could've returned the next day. Not to mention he had to pull a marriage prank on me too. It gave me butterflies thinking about it, those muscular ones that make you feel a bit stronger and quicker and, well just better. I held my head high at the thought of this, then it hit me. Literally, the volleyball hit me. Square in the forehead. I fell backwards, landing head first. Luckily I come back to school a few days with only a minor concussion. Surprisingly while I was on "bed rest" Chase didn't sneak over. Don't get me wrong, I did hate seeing him and him sneaking into my room all the time. But at the same time it would've been nice to have someone visit.

Beckett came over the next weekend, he was a little upset I didn't tell him about my fall. Considering I haven't been allowed to use a phone or anything electronic with a screen since then, I couldn't have told him even if I wanted too. Doctors orders, because we all follow them. Hey cool, my high and dangerous level of sarcasm hasn't faded. I think it may be getting better! Go a head, crack off some smart comment I'll come back with something good I can guarantee it!

Okay, so maybe this week has been a little rough on me and Chase, but it's no reason to drag our feet all day! Beckett, the Boyz (I decide Boyz is the official code name for Tyler, Dylan, and Scott), Chase, and I all hung out this weekend. We were all in the hot tub when I hear someone come through the front door. It was Devin and Josh. They walk upstairs. Okay? That's a little of for them, but I think nothing of it. Two minutes later two blurry blobs jump into the hot tub yelling at the top of there lungs "CANNONBALL!!!" Guess who it was, I'll even give you a hint. Thing 1 (Josh) and Jerk 2 (Devin). After we all were done complaining of going from dry to feeling like a baby waterfall in a matter of seconds from Josh and Devin, we all had a good laugh about it.

At this time some of you may be wondering, don't you feel weird being with seven other guys?! In a hot tub with a (small tightly fitting but totally hot) bikini? The answer, not at all. I grew up around Beckett, Devin, Josh, and all of there friends so ive gotten use to half exposing my slim tanned body to guys. It's not like I'm doing it to impress anyone, plus its MY hot tub so if they don't like the view (I don't see who wouldn't) then they can leave. Question two, didn't your mother buy the hot tub? So isn't it hers? No actually, my dad and I made a deal before he left us. If I raise up the money for half he'd match it and boom, I'd get a hot tub. I saved up my money for three years so I could get half the money for a hot tub. Here we all are five years later and we are still all here acting like eight year olds, the only difference is it's my friends and not Devin's. Pretty neat huh?

We all go in and dry off. We decide to play truth or dare poker. Me and my brother were two very...interesting...children. You bet how much you think a person will do something (it's all dares by the way) and whoever bets the most has to take the next dare. Its complicated, but makes sense to us. I thought we did pretty good for a ten and twelve year old.

I didn't really remember much from that night, the doctor said I may have slight memory problems after my concussion. But I'm really forgetful so it's probably just that. I woke up with all the guys sitting in the same circle as last night. I got up went downstairs and made breakfast. Chase, who I didn't know was even up yet, followed me down. We were talking during breakfast.

"Who are you even? I know your name is Chase and your sort of a bad boy stalker, other than that I don't really know anything about you." He just smirks. "You'll figure me out, it'll just take time." "What am I suppose to do until then?" I don't even look at him I'm so concentrated on not burning the pancakes, yes that is possible. "Just keep loving me and the closer we get the more you'll know." I flip couple pancakes onto his plate, my cheeks turning crimson.

"How do I know if I can trust you, after all you do sneak into my room quite often." I could feel a smile tearing away my blank expression, pulling at the corners of my lips. I finally turn and see how perfect he looks in the mornings. Messy hair, bright hazel blue eyes complementing his tanned skin. How does he do it?

"Enjoying the view?" He asks with a smile turning to flex his muscles. I realise I was staring, moving my head up and down to examine him. "Not in your dreams" I reply, "just trying to figure you out." "From my perfect looks?" Mind reader. "Come on Chase" I butt in " we both know that I'm the one that looks perfect." He smiles, his face showing a quick flash of rose flooding his cheeks. He just gives me a playful smile after that "Especially with that butt." He winks.

Feeling my face flood rapidly I yell upstairs to everyone else, who are now all stirring around smelling the pancakes, "COME AND GET THEM WHILE THEY ARE STILL HOT!" Chase gives me a long stare of confusion. "What?" I ask. "Just trying to figure you out too. Also why you said while it's still hot, come on baby you'll always be hot."

Dang! Why can't the boys all rush down now?!


Thanks so much for reading! Please leave comments for story ideas!

Also ignore all the typos I'm not a good proof reader ;)

See you all next chapter!!

If you guys caught the unpublished I'm so sorry but I had to change some things and I wanted to make sure it was right for you guys! Sorry!! :)

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